chapter 6

956 11 1

Word count: 1685

Warnings:Panic attack, swearing


You slowly opened your eyes, feeling numb all over your body. Everything was blurry and your nerves felt as if someone was stabbing them repeatedly. You groaned and struggled to keep your eyes open. After a few minutes, memories of everything that had happened flooded your brain and you sat up quickly. You were in a small room with 4 white walls and one big mirror, which was obviously double sided, after all the years you had been stuck in a small room, being studied on, this was nothing new.

You drew your gaze where you were sitting and you were lying on a small plain bed. Your whole life you had slept on the grubby floor and this new sensation was awful. You rapidly stood up but as soon as you put your whole weight on your knees they buckled and you tumbled on the floor. But you were determined to get out of this place because you need to go back to HYDRA, the more time you're away the more pain they'll inflict on you, the more they'll train you until you don't have enough energy to even breathe. You need to go back, at any cost.

You slowly stood up again and ran towards the mirror and banged your fists on it, so harshly that blood started to draw. You kept on banging until you couldn't feel your arms anymore so you stepped backwards until your back met the wall. You slowly slid down it until you sat down, bringing your knees to your chest, trying to catch your breath. You weren't even tired but the more time you spent in this damn room the more your brain thought about all the possible ways you were gonna be punished. You were gonna kill every single person without thinking twice about it if it meant to go back home

You felt as if your lungs had stopped working and breathing was becoming really difficult. You rocked yourself while trying uselessly to even out your small, choked breathes. Your mind was racing and suddenly, irritated by your whole situation you reached out your hand and slowly raised it, telepathically, bringing your bed with it. You made your bed float through the air, slightly tilting your head with a cold stare until you swiftly moved your hand towards the double sided mirror.

The bed crashed into the mirror, making the whole room vibrate. You were sure that the glass was not made to be broken but with your super hearing you heard a slight crack. That was enough to make you stand up and accumulate more power. Your (e/c) started to turn purple and red sparks started to escape your hands. You swiftly lifted the bed and started to slam it against the mirror. After a few powerful strikes the glass shattered and what was on the other side kinda shocked you.

You inhaled deeply and cracked your neck, a small smirk formed on your face as you took a step towards your new exit. On the other side there was a room full of computers and strange looking machines that made your shiver. You looked around thoroughly but the room was completely empty, there was no sign of any threat. Just as you were starting to let your guard down a door flung open. You froze and waited for someone to come in. Staring deeply into the door a man appeared. He was a tall, bald man with a black eye patch on his left eye. He slowly walked towards you, raising his hands to show he didn't have weapons but you obviously saw through that after seeing a pocket knife he had strapped on his knife. You still hadn't moved and were looking very carefully at his every move. " Listen Y/N I'm Nick Fury and I know you must be feeling scared " he stated while you scoffed at his comment, YOU scared? PLEASE-. " Or you might be feeling uncomfortable because you feel like you need to get back to HYDRA" he continued as you looked at him with a confused look. "Listen I just want to help you," he said, offering his hand out to you. You looked at him " That's the same damn thing your friend told me and look at me now." you murmured. " Listen I don't wanna fight because you are not my mission but if you are gonna stop me just know that nothing can stop me from going home". You growled. You were about to leave when Steve walked in "I get it, I really do but listen". You hadn't stopped walking, you were tired of listening to these dumb people." I knew you mom" he continued. You stopped dead in your tracks: "Yea, she was a lovely lady, extremely smart" he went on. "And I know for a fact that she trusted me, we were buddies, so please trust me. Just once. Please" he sounded so desperate. "You think I should trust you? What? So you're doing all this for what? Trying to help me? trying to help me not go back to what you think is wrong? Dude I don't think you understand." You answered in a low growl.

Suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your skull, but it wasn't external; it was as if your cells were reprogramming. You felt as if someone was crushing your skull while dividing your brain into their smallest atoms. You knew this feeling too well. It was HYDRA turning you into their

soldier. You were turning back to The Shadow.

You breathed in deeply and opened your eyes though this time your expression was cold. Your mission was to kill everyone here. Every single person.

You stared at the floor for a couple of seconds before lifting your gaze towards Steve " You did this?" he questioned not really understanding why you were staring at him. A smirk forming on your lips once again as you fisted Nick Fury's neck knocking him out completely. You grabbed a pocket knife and threw it with precision towards Steve. It hit his shoulder, just in the right angle to injure his muscle perfectly. You slowly got up and walked towards Steve who had fallen to the ground and was trying desperately to grab his shield even though it had slided away from him. Your eyes were emotionless as you telepathically choked Nick fury while pushing the knife from Steve's shoulder up, towards his neck as slowly as possible. Everything was perfect, no time to lose. You were finally gonna go home.

Out of the blue You heard a pair of boots run across the corridor towards you. You glanced at the door and there HE was. THAT mutherfucker. You stood up, still moving the blade telepathically towards Steve's neck while he squirmed helplessly. A woman came running in after the tall dude with red hair and a jet black suit. She raised her hand towards you, aiming to hit you with an electric shocking device, as if that was going to make a difference after all the electricity that had flown through your body. You scoffed at her action and stopped choking Nick Fury (he was about to die, just to say), you looked deep into her eyes and then turned your gaze towards the man you kept trying to kill, every time failing miserably. But this time his expression was different. You could read his emotions easily, which was impossible a few months ago and his eyes had a different look to them, not easily noticeable but if you paid enough attention to someone, like the highly trained assassin you are, it was easily detectable. After a few seconds of staring deep into his soul, his expression changed, now he was surely worried. "Natasha freeze" He shouted at the red head. "Barnes she is gonna kill us, what the fuck is wrong with you?" she murmured back to him, still keeping her wrist high. "She's under their control. She.. she doesn't understand". he shouted quickly back at her. " Just let me deal with this" he continued quickly as you were about to attack Natasha. You understood completely what they were saying but you weren't reacting in any way. You lunged towards Natasha and she tried to dodge your attack but she was way too slow for your quickness. You twisted her arm and pulled her on the floor, pulling out the knife that was in Steve's collarbone, blood gushing out as you brought it to her main artery. You were about to stab her neck when the all in black dude said in a clam voice "Soldat. Stop." you recognized that voice. The Shadow recognized that voice and froze. "I've heard a great deal about you. We even met but I don't think you remember now, do you?". You didn't dare look him in the eyes. You never could make eye contact with your handler at HYDRA so you kept eye contact with the floor. "Now stand up." he said clearly. You listened and stood up from Natasha and stood by her side. "Barnes how the fuck did you do that?". You finally looked up at him, trying desperately to be able to see his next moves before he hurt you. He walked towards you and said in a steady voice. "Now follow me (Y/N), I know you're in there.". You nodded, following his orders as he walked out of the room and you followed.

In the corner of your eye you could see Natasha run to Steve but you couldn't disobey this man, even though you had no idea who he was, you were fully aware of what he was capable of.


omg I'm really so sorry it took so long but school has been killing me. I know this is being very slow but I promise once we're in the compound it will be so much better. I really hope you like it!


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