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Ethan is seen approaching a house with an unopened beer in hand, he walks up the steps, before knocking on the front door. He waits a few seconds, but no response, the journalist growls before knocking on the door a bit harder. Ethan waits a bit longer, but once again...he still didn't get an answer. He puts his hands on his face before sliding them down. Ethan groans, then turns his attention to the neighboring house. He goes down the stairs and goes up to the neighbor's door, before knocking.

  A brunette woman opened the door, she was wearing a black night gown. She leans on her door frame, and glares at the alcoholic. 

 "Do you need something?" She asks him, clearly annoyed by Ethan, who's scratching his head.

 "Yeah, I was wondering if you know where's the guy who lives next door?" Ethan points at his brother's house. The woman looks where he's pointing, before raising an eyebrow at the man.

 "How do you know him?"

 "I'm his brother."

  The woman looks at him, as if she was analyzing him. She steps closer to him before immediately taking a step back and covering her nose.

 "Yep, you're him. Bags under eyes, unkempt black hair, short beard, large coat. Hell, you even reek of beer, you're definitely him. Wait here." The woman states before she walks back inside. Ethan lifted his shirt up to his face and took a whiff, and then immediately reeled back and let out a small cough. The woman comes back with a key, and hands it to him.

 "Here, he told me if you ever showed up to let you borrow the spare key," she states. Ethan looks down at the key and nods.

 "So, uh, how do you know him?"

 The woman smiles and starts to slowly close the door.

 "We're… co-workers," she closes the door, clearly leaving him confused, as he doesn't move for a few seconds. He then shakes out of it as he looks down at the key in his palm. He walks back to the house and unlocks the front door.

  Once he walks in he finds the house to be untouched.

 "Billy! Are you here?" Ethan calls out… no response. He looks into the next room, which is the living room. The room seemed to be relatively empty. As he looks through the living room for any clue where his brother may be, he finds nothing. Only a half empty cup of water on the coffee table in the living room. Multiple newspapers piled up by the doorway. He places the bottle of beer by the glass of water before continuing searching.

  The journalist continues to walk through the house, and eventually finds his room. It was relatively simplistic, just a bed and a desk were inside. The bed was also left untouched, as if no one touched it for a good month.

  He looked through the desk drawers to find practically nothing… that was until the last drawer, he noticed it felt a lot heavier, despite being empty. He puts his hand in and feels the bottom of the drawer shift, he takes the drawer out completely, before flipping it over. A wooden plank falls out of the drawer, revealing a book. 

 "What the hell?" Ethan whispered, as he picked up the book. The cover was overall blank, he opens the book and skims through. Near the end however, a key was carved into the last pages, which were glued together. He takes the key out and examines it. He places the key in his pocket before putting the book back in the false bottom, and then the drawer back in its place. Ethan walks out of the room, past the dining room and searches the kitchen.

  All the cabinets were empty, with nothing but flour, pancake batter, half a loaf of bread, and some granola bars. Ethan jumps back as suddenly a mouse jumps out of the cabinet and runs into a small hole in the wall.

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