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As the six walked at a fast pace, down the tunnel, as the sounds of hell remained above them. Dust from the ceiling continues to fall, covering some of their heads with concrete dust. 

 "Jesus, whats going on up there?" Taylor asks. 

 "Use your imagination," Ethan comments as his steps began to increase. Taylor glares at Ethan.

  Ethan nervously chuckles, when suddenly something caught his ears. He looks up, as dust began to come down again, but that wasn't the only thing. A handful of concrete began to rain down, as cracks began to form above them.

"James!" Ethan yells, James looks back, before looking up, his eyes widened.

 "Step it up guys! It sounds like we don't have much more time!" James yells. Everyone nods as they began to run down the tunnel.  They began to book it as the tunnel began to shake, as Godzilla's roars got louder above them. They all stuck to the sides and ran as the cracks would simply go down to the middle. The sounds of explosions filled their ears as suddenly behind them the roof collapses. The six fell to the ground, Ethan turns to the rubble, to see flames, and vehicle debris were on top of it. The moonlight shined right in, as they all tried to get themselves up.  Jake notices his toy is missing, and began to freak out.

  "M-My Trex, where is it?" The boy mutters, he walks towards the rubble, as a green stuffed tail is seen sticking out. He tries to pull it out, as everyone was regrouping, and getting ready to keep running.
  "Jake, we'll buy you a new one! We need to go!" James calls out for his son. But the boy shakes his head, as tears stream down his cheeks.  

  "No! Mommy bought me it! I can't lose it!" The boy would move the rubble, Ethan cursed under his breath as he got up. Suddenly the ceiling began to crack more, as the hole above the rubble began to glow white.

  "Jake come here now!" Ethan ordered as he walked towards the boy.  Suddenly Godzilla's roar fills their ears as the tunnel shakes, causing everyone to fall back down. The ceiling explodes and collapses again…  Everyone began to cough as dust and rubble surrounded everyone.  

  James hands Lucy to Alice, who was currently taking dust and rubble out of her hair. Ethan looked at Taylor. Who now had a large gash on her arm. 

 "Tay, are you okay?" Ethan takes his coat off and wraps it around her gash.

 "I'll live… I hope," the woman hissed, as she felt the sudden pressure of the coat.

 "Jake!" Ethan turns to the sound of James voice, his eyes then widened, as he looked at James, trying to move the new mountain of rubble. 

 "No… don't tell me…" Alice whispers, Lucy's eyes begin to water as she leans her head into her shoulders and cries. Alice herself fell to her knees… Ethan runs to James, and begins to help him dig through the rubble. Taylor herself pieced together what happened and gasped, James and Ethan kept digging… when they eventually found the stuffer Trex. Parts of the stitching in the back was undone, as white stuffing stuck out of the holes. Ethan picked up the toy, as James noticed something else… a bloody, unmoving hand sticking out of the rubble too. Blood would leak through the cracks, James fell onto his butt, as his body began to shake. 

   James punches the ground anger, and lets out a cry of despair into the sky. The ceiling began to shake again, as the sounds of gunfire continued. Ethan wipes the tears off his face with his sleeve before pushing himself up. He grabs James, and pulls him up.

 "We have to go! I'm sorry but he's gone! Grab your daughter and go! We'll die too if we stay here!" James silently nods, and runs to his remaining kids, and began to run with them down the tunnel, Ethan keeps a hold of the toy, and  Taylor as they quickly joins the others, and run. As the tunnel began to shake, suddenly a light shines at the end of the tunnel, revealing the Subway station. They push and pull each other up one by one.

   As the lights flicker, the now group of five, run up the stairs, and get onto the street. They all were out of breath, their hearts beating heavily in their chest, each felt like they themselves were going to fall apart. They hardly had the will to walk, Ethan handed Lucy the toy, which might've made this worse since her and Alice began to cry harder. James hugs the two, as he silently cries too… they could've never imagined that Jake…

    Suddenly a nearby building was suddenly hit by a blinding white light. The top of the building explodes, as fires pieces began to rain down. Everyone began to run down the street, as Godzilla came around the corner behind them.  As they ran, helicopters began to surround the giant monster, Ethan look back, to see Godzilla's eyes, and mouth light up white. The monsters back was blinding, as suddenly white flames erupt from its throat, and incinerated the helicopters. 

 "Holy Shit!! Go go go go!" The five ran down the street as more missiles began to shoot Godzilla in the face. Jets began to fly by the giant beast, Godzilla screeches and swipes a jet out of the sky. The family kept running and running for what felt like hours, till they eventually saw a building with many military vehicles making a parameter. 

  A few soilders notice the group and opens the gate. They waved their hands while yelling for them to go faster. The five run in, as the gates close behind them, and the soldiers begin to arm themselves. 

 "Get inside! Then head downstairs into the basement!" A soldier yelled. The five run in as a nurse leads them downstairs. All they hear behind them is the monstrous roar fade as they shut the basement doors...

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