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   Ethan is seen running through the halls, looking for the room the kids are currently having their party at. He looks at the room numbers hoping to find the right one as car alarms blar outside. He eventually found the apartment, at least it should be it as it's directly under the penthouse. He does, however, feel like it's a safe bet as he could hear music blaring from inside the room.  He tries to catch his breath, before pounding on the door.

 "Alice, Jake, Lucy! Open up!" Ethan yells as he continues to pound on the door. As he hears someone on the other side unlocking the door, he stops pounding and takes a deep breath. The door opens to reveal a 16 year girl with jet black hair, resembling her uncle. The girl then recognizes the exhausted man in front of her. 

 "Uncle Ethan? What are you doing here?" She asks, as he holds a finger up, telling her to wait a moment. He finally catches his breath and everyone inside looks at the door, most of the kids whispering among themselves confused to see the 38 year old man at the door.

 "Alice! Turn down the music!" He shouts. Alice looked at him confused before nodding, and turning to the kids behind her.

 "Turn the music down guys!" Alice tells the kids behind her. The kids quickly turned down the music as kids were afraid of the teenager's voice. Alice turns to her uncle, as he finally catches his breath."What's wrong uncle?"

 "Where's your siblings?" He asks her with a sense of urgency.

 "Why, what's wrong?" She asks him, as he walks into the apartment!

 "Just answer the question Alice!" Ethan snaps. Everyone feels back, before Alice answers. Shaken from the yelling…

 "T-They got scared from the blackout and are hiding in the bathroom! I tried to get them out, but they refused." She then leads Ethan to the bathroom, he tries to open the door, however, it seems to be locked. Ethan goes to knock aggressively due to be in a rush… however. He knew it would only scare the two. He gently knocks on the door and speaks:

 "Lucy? Jake, are you two there?" He hears shuffling from the other side of the door. "It's me, Uncle Ethan? Your Mom and Dad wanted me to pick you guys up." As he finishes talking he backs up as he hears the door beginning to open. 

  The door opens revealing two brunette children, with brown eyes. The two twins, not identical, looked up at their uncle, as tear stains were visible on their faces. Jake was seen wearing blue clothing, holding a green T-rex plush. While Lucy, wore primarily white and pink clothes.

 "Uncle!!" The two children screamed before hugging Ethan, who crouched down to their level. The three stop hugging before Ethan stands up, and turns to Alice and the others.

 "Your parents want us to meet up on the roof. But everyone else, go home to your parents."

 "But why?" One of the kids asked. Suddenly, a large explosion is heard in the distance. Everyone rushes to the windows as an explosion is seen a few blocks away. Ethan notices flaming derbies heading towards the roof. 

 "Shit! Kids, we're going downstairs!" He yells before grabbing  Jake and Lucy's hands, and running out of the room, with Alice quickly following. As they run down the hall, the kids behind them are seen panicking and running back into their apartments.

 "What the hell was that?!" Alice yells panicking.

 "I don't know! But whatever is happening is getting closer!" Ethan yells as they head to the stairs. Once they reached the stairs they could hear people from upstairs running down. "Come on, I don't want my nephew and nieces to be trampled!" He yelled as they ran down the stairs. 

  The four eventually make it down to the lobby, where everyone who went to the roof earlier, are now seen running out of the front doors. Ethan spots James, Abigail and Taylor waiting by the front doors.

 "Mama Papa!" The twins yell before hugging their mother and father. While Ethan and Alice go up to her parents and hug them as well. 

 "Kids! Ethan, thank you for getting them." Abigail yells as she hugs her kids.

 "Don't mention it. Did you guys see what happened up there?!" Ethan asks his brother. James shakes his head.

 "No, there was just an explosion and debris started to fly towards us."

  Ethan remains quiet, unsure what to say, as they begin to head outside. As they head out, people are seen on the streets, wondering what the explosion was earlier. Taylor was walking in the middle of the street talking to some of the nearby residents. James and Abigail were currently explaining to their children, on what happened the best they could. Ethan continues to stand there as his mind begins to wonder, what is happening…

  Suddenly, everyone turned as they heard something metallic. Down the street, a large metallic object crashes onto the top of a building before bouncing off and flying directly to the street. Ethan grabs Taylor's hand, and pulls her away from the street as James pulls his family away as well. The object then crashes into a car, flattening it, before skitting off, and scraping against the street, as sparks fly from the object. 

  Everyone stares at disbelief what the object was… it was a burned, mangled, severed head of the Statue of Liberty.

  While everyone approaches the head of liberty, from both awe and disbelief, Taylor hugs Ethan surprising him.

 "Thank you Ethan… if you didn't pull me away… I could've…"

 "Let's… not think about it right now," he told her, before separating himself from her. Taylor looks down, before eventually following Ethan as he walks up to his family examining the head. 

 "Daddy?" Jake says as he tugs his father's shirt.

 "U-uh, yeah Jake?" His father replies as he crouches down.
 "There's scratches on it! Like the one on my dinosaur toy!" The boy said earning confused looks from the adults. His twin, Lucy then looks at the head and gasps.

 "Yeah! Like claws!" Lucy adds on. 

 "Don't be ridiculous sweetie, there's no way-" before Abigail could continue, a boom is heard behind them, as down the street where the head was thrown from, a building began to collapse as what looked like a tail went by.

 "What the hell was that!?" One of the bystanders screamed. A groan is heard as the tail vanishes, and the building completely falls. Ethan's eyes widen, before yelling:

 "Everyone get inside now!" Ethan grabbed Taylor and Alice's hand, while James and Abigail grabbed their youngest. The six of them began to run back into the apartment complex, as dust began to fill the street, and the building rumbled.

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