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• Yoon Y/N •

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• Yoon Y/N •

"I'm waiting for you."

Those words keep on replaying in my head as we walk side by side to my house.

"W-what do you mean waiting for me?"

"W-well it's getting pretty late and it's dangerous for a girl to go home alone at this hour... I thought that maybe I should walk you home..."

I blushed as I remember what happened earlier.

It's been about 5 minutes since we left the store to go at my house. It was silence. None of us said anything. But strangely, it wasn't an awkward silence. It was a confortable silence.

I somehow felt...safe?

I felt safe knowing that he was by my side and I liked it.

I stopped as we finally reached my house.

"Where here." As said to him while turning to my left to face him with a smile.

"Thanks for walking me home, I appreciate that."

I gave one last smile before turning to enter the house.

Suddenly I felt a grip on my left hand. I turned around.

• Choi Soobin •

She looked at me with a confused face after I grab her wrist preventing her from walking.

"I-I.. need to tell you something..."

"What is it?" She ask me still with a confused face.

"I-I'm sorry.." I looked at my shoes trying to not meet her eyes.

"Sorry? What for?"

"For that day... at the canteen...."

"Ahh.... that?"

I finally look up to see that she was looking at me. She didn't say anything she just looked at me straight in the eyes.

She then curved her lips into the biggest smile ever.

"Apologies accepted!" She responded while smiling like crazy causing my heart to beat like crazy.

Liar • C.Soobin [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now