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• Yoon Y/N •

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• Yoon Y/N •

My eyelids started to get heavier and heavier as we were still sitting below the tree looking at the view. Suddenly, I heard a rumbling sound next to me.

I look in direction of the sound to find my way looking at Soobin that had one hand over his belly.

"You're hungry?" I ask him.

"Y-yeah..., a little." "We didn't actually eat anything else aside some snacks.

I let out a chuckle after hearing his belly do an other sound.

I stood up and took out my hand to help him get up. "Let's go, let's eat something at my house."

He got up and we slowly walked to my house.


"I have some left over spaghettis... or left over fried chicken..." " you know what, let's just cook some ramen, It'll be easier." I signed as I closed the fridge and took out a pack of ramen from the other shelf.

"Do you need help" he ask me as he entered the kitchen."

"Nah.. it's fine."

"I'll go to the bathroom then." He told me as he started to go in direction of the bathroom.

Suddenly, all the lights of the house turn off. Every thing was dark since it was already dark outside so no much light was entering the house. I started to breath faster and faster as I started to panic because I couldn't see anything.

Deep down I knew it was just a normal blackout but being the dramatic girl that I am, I quickly grab the big spatula that was laying around the counter and place it next to me like a baseball bat, thinking that someone was here to kidnap me and that I had to protect myself.

I heard a loud 'band' noise. I walked to the sound still holding the spatula with my two hands until I heard footsteps which made me stop.

The steps became louder and louder as I was prepared to hit that person with my spatula. I started to see a black silhouette I front of me and at the very moment, I took my spatula and hit that person.

"Ahhhhh!!" I heard a man voice grumble in pain.

That voice.... I thought to myself.

Liar • C.Soobin [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now