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• Yoon Y/N •

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• Yoon Y/N •

I opened my eyes to see that Lia's hand was still mid air, close from my face. We both looked in direction of the voice in sync to see a furious Soobin struggling to pass through the crowd.

Finally in front of us, he quickly grabbed Lia's hand and harshly put it down making her groaned in pain.

"What the hell you think you are doing Lia?!?" Soobin yelled, angriness clearly heard in his voice.

"She talked bad about me so I had to take action that's why." She sarcastically said, crossing her arms.

"And it gives you the right to slap her?"

"Yah! Are you taking her side?"

"So what if I am? Can't I?"

"Com'on Soobin-ah! Come back to your sense will you?" "I know you like her but that doesn't mean your blind! I mean look at her and look at you. Can't to see that there is a big difference?" "You're handsome, hot, and rich but her? Ugly annoying and poor! Her family is so much poor that her mom needs to work for my family as a housekeeper, aren't you scared of what people will think about it?"

Tears was forming in my eyes the moment she said those words about my family but I couldn't bring myself to speak up. Instead, I stood there doing nothing.

"Aren't you scared of what people might think? About your dad knowing about? Don't you see all the phones here, taking pictures and videos of this?" She continued while pointing at the crowd and phones. "When they are going to upload this online, people are going to laugh at you Soobin!"

Without saying anything else, Soobin went and grab the other girl's friend's boba just like what Lia did earlier. "Yah! Not again!" The new target yelled as she was frustrated that both of them has now lost their drinks.

Completely ignoring the girls, he took out the lid as he poured all the drink on himself.

The crowd and myself was now gasping in shocked because of Soobin's sudden action. His hair and uniform was also ruined exactly like mine with an orangey liquid.

"What the hell do you think you are doing Soobin?!?" Are you crazy?" Lia yelled as she, herself didn't understood his actions ether.

"After I did this, do I look like I care about what people are going to say?" "People can say whatever they want I wouldn't care less because as long as I'm with her, nothing else matters and I'll be happy."

My heart flipped inside me the moment I hear him say those words.

He looked at me as he gently grab my hand. "Let's go Y/N." He said as he started walking, making me do the same.


We heard Lia scream in frustration and so we looked back at her.

"What does she have that is so special that you're crazy for her? What does she have that I don't that makes you act like this only for her?"

"She loves me. That what you don't have. She truly loves me and you don't. So please stay away from her. From us. I don't have anything to have with you anymore." He turned his head to me, giving me a sincere smile before leading the way, still grabbing my hand.


We were now at the fountain, outside of the school.

He gave me a clean towel so that I could clean myself from the boba tea.

I tried my best to take out as much of the drink possible but a greenish colour was still visible on my uniform. I decided to give up and look at him to see that he also has given up on taking out the orange stain on his clothes.

Suddenly there was a big moment of silence. Not that there wasn't one to begin with but now, none of us dared to say anything as we would have little eye contact from time to time.

I cleared my throat, and was about to say something until he interrupted me by talking first.

"You know... what I said earlier..., to Lia, it was all true. It wasn't just an act." He started, looking, once in a while at my face and once in while on the ground. "What I said, I really mean it."

That's when it hit me. I remembered what grandma told me. "If he shows you that he is willing to give up every for you, then that's enough proof, so don't ever give up on him."

My eyes started to get watery. Does that mean, he really loves me? He didn't care about what people might think... I thought to myself. He does love me... and it hit me.

Tears were now escaping my eyes as a feeling of guilt took over me. I felt sorry for not believing him and I hated myself for that.

"Yah... w-why are you crying?" He ask me when he realized that I started to break down.

I didn't respond to him which made him come closer to me. He grabbed my shoulders making me look at him.

"I-I'm sorry Soobin-ah... I'm sorry for not believing you and your love." "I'm sorry for hurting you when I pushed you away..." I sobbed.

He gently pulled me in his arms, wrapping me in a warm hug, placing his chin on my head.

"It's fine Y/N, i won't blame you. I'm more then happy right now."

He pulled away from the hug and gently cupped my face in his hands. He wiped the tears that were in my cheeks and gave me a sincere smile.

He slowly leans forwards, eyes closed, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

Eyes wide open, I was surprised on his sudden action. It lasted for a second or so, before he pulled away, resting his forehead on mine. He looked at me in the eyes.

He was about to say something until I stopped him by kissing him back.

He responded almost immediately as he was now kissing me back. I curled my finger in his hair, placing my left hand on the back of his neck. He brought down his left hand to my waist, still keeping his other hand, cupping my cheeks. I felt him pulling me closer to him as he didn't break the kiss.

Heart beating faster and faster,we kept on kissing and kissing as if our life depended on it. (A/N: Can anyone help me or give advice on how to write kissing scenes?? This is sooo bad, I can't 😫.
I'm cringing so bad. Please, someone help me ㅠㅠ.)

After a couple of seconds, we pulled apart, resting on each other's forehand while we catch our breath.

While catching my breath, I look at Soobin to see him also looking at me. He gave me a sweet sincere smile, showing his cute dimples until he said something that made my heart skip a beat.

"I love you Y/N."


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