The secret crow

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Jesse's pov:

I woke up with my pet crow making a loud noise, which also woke hypemyke up who had his arm tightly wrapped around me. "morning babe" he smiled before sitting up to yarn and then said "babe can you shut your bird up please, I'm trying to sleep" I laughed before getting out of bed and walked over to the crow that was sat my desk.

"morning" I whispered while Myke went in the shower.

Yes only me and hypemyke can see the crow but no-one else can, I know it's weird. It all started when we were doing a 3am video, we was face timing the crow man and it was scary.

The crow was actually a mist in the shape of a man, my guardian.

After 5 minutes Hypemyke came out the shower, he got back in bed with me and wrapped his arms around me. As I turned over so I was facing Myke, he gave me a smile before kissing my cheek.

"let's get ready for today" Myke sounded happy.

"yeah" I moaned trying to push Myke away because he is teasing me. "I'm tried" I smiled as he helped me out of bed.

The crow flew onto my shoulder while Myke grabbed my hand and took me towards the car. "where are we going hypemyke" Nick sounded happy as he was in the car already which made me jump.

I got in the front with hypemyke. Nick and Mike sat in the back.

"we are going to the invisible forest" hypemyke spoke before putting the car into gear.

3 hours and we got to the edge of the lake where the invisible forest should be, the crow flew off my shoulder onto the floor so I could help Nick set up the huge tent.

At midnight there was a loud thunder storm, the rain drops were heavy on the tent roof so I got a bit scared and hypemyke cuddled up to me with my crow sitting my boyfriends shoulder.

"it is going to be fine babe" hypemyke whispered because Mike and Nick was asleep.

*the morning after*

I woke up cuddled up to hypemyke, we all looked outside the tent and realised the invisible forest had appeared in front of us. We got in our boats and crossed the river to the forest.

I know it's very short but I'm running out of ideas.

Comment any ideas you want to see in a hypemyke and Jesse one shot

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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