his pray

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This is Jesse as a wolf

This is Jesse as a wolf

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Mike's POV:

I woke up with growling coming from Jesse's bedroom. I wondered what was happening so I walked slowly to his room.

To be honest it was midnight, and a full moon. As I opened his bedroom door, I can't believe what I saw. It was a wolf laying on the bed where Jesse is meant to be. Was Jesse that wolf?

I quickly ran out his room when the wolf noticed me and stood up staring at me. I closed the door, took a breathe and knocked on Nicks door, as he answered he said "what's up Mike" I repiled "did you know where is a wolf in Jesse's bedroom"

Nick just laughed at me and said "don't be silly" as we both went to Jesse's bedroom

When we went in the room, Jesse was sitting on the edge of the bed and I  spoke "are you a wolf Jesse?" He looked at me confused. "What!" Nick and Jesse gave me a look, like I'm crazy. I wiped my eyes as I was tried, and walked to my room so I could go to bed.

*2 hours later*

I woke up again with someone in my room, I noticed 2 red eyes looking at me and a big wolf stood at the end of my bed I said "Jesse is that you?" He nodded and jumped onto my bed.

My heart was beating fast and I didn't know what Jesse was going to do? All he did was lay down next to me. I moved my hand closer to his wolf body and Jesse cuddled up to me, I was not expecting this, I though he was going to kill me.

*1 hour later*

We was still cuddled up to each other, but my arm got in the way and maked Jesse jump. I should have moved my arm but I just let him bit it.

Yes it was painful but I didn't care. I loved Jesse, when he changed back to human and said "all that time, you was my pray" I repiled "really, you wanted to change me from the beginning" when I though about it all night.

I kept thinking about me being,

His pray

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