Truth or dare (part 1)

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Jesse's pov:

Me, Mike, nick and some other people was sat around the living room. "Truth or dare Jesse" Nick whispered almost shouting. I repiled "dare" I didn't really know what I was feeling, my stomach ached like crazy, because I didn't know what is going to happen.

Nick said out loud "I dare you to kiss Mike, on the cheek" I was so nervous as I had a huge crush on Mike, I have liked him since we started YouTube and now I can't get him of my mind, it's driving me crazy. I lose sleep at night because of him.

"OK I will do that" Mike moved closer to me, and I kissed his cheek, then all of a sudden, he moved so I would acciently kiss his lips. I knew Mike loved me back.

After my turn, I asked Mike all shyly "truth or dare" he gave me a cheeky smile "dare" I giggled "I dare you to make out with me" he looked shy but nodded as he headed upstairs. I stood up and said "be back soon" nick repiled "OK have fun and we will be here waiting for you to finish" I smiled before going up the stairs.

As I reached my bedroom door, it opened and Mike dragged me in. "So should we do it" he looked nervous, to be honest I feel nervous as well. Mike laid down, he is so tense. I tried to calm him down.

I locked the bedroom door and went over to the bed. I started taking my clothes off and Mike did the same. I climbed on top of him, I pushed into Mike making him moan really loud. I smiled as I pushed more and more but going slowly because I'm not sure if Mike likes it. "Wait, Jesse" he whispered as I stopped what I was doing and listened to Mike. "Make me hard" he giggled before I carried on.

"Faster" he moaned as I was trying to do my best. Then I felt my sperm going out my body and into Mike which made me think, "oh shit" I shouted "it felt good" Mike screamed as I pulled out of him and collapsed beside him on the bed. I said "go get cleaned up, I'm going back downstairs as our friends are waiting for us.

I wondered downstairs while Mike went into the bathroom. They all looked at me and Nick said " so, how did it go" I repiled "yes it was good, but I  don't want to talk about it"

After 5 minutes Mike came down the stairs as we all shot up from the sofa. I was the first one to him, but it broke me when Mike walked passed us, mostly me and went into the kitchen.

He grabbed a water bottle, some food, after he finished. Mike went over to the shoe cupboard and puts his favourite shoes on, walked out the door and slammed it shut behind him. "What actually happened?" Our friend Luke said.

I repiled "well me and Mike had sex, as you know but it was more, I think I might have made Mike pregant" I felt ashamed as I sat down onto the sofa with our friends around me. "What have I done, we should have never played truth or dare, also I shouldn't have asked Mike to make out with me, this might have effected mine and Mike's friendship"

Part 2 out soon.

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