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guys naomi added this to her reading list😏

also i just started reading obscene and holy fuck zeno is so hot but i just imagine him as enzo so it works out😋😋

oh btw cedric is alive in this (& he's hot asf😩)

"You're so oblivious Blaise," I scoffed playfully.

"So you're saying that everyone has known about Ron and Hermione being a thing, except for me?"

"Yes Blaise. Literally everyone," I replied with a laugh.

"I can't believe you're just now finding this out," Onyx said in disbelief.

"Oh shove off you two," Blaise rolled his eyes, as he opened the door to the courtyard for us.

"Thank you," Onyx and I said in unison as we walked through the doorway.

The autumn air was cool and felt refreshing against my flushed cheeks.

"What's going on over there?" I said aloud, immediately noticing a crowd of students in the open grass.

"Oh shit," Onyx proclaimed as the three of us approached the chaos.

We quickly realized that two students were in a fight, one that I didn't particularly want to watch.

"No way... that's Enzo," Blaise uttered in shock.

Onyx instantly looked at me after realizing that Blaise was correct. It was Enzo. And she knew I was upset.

We exchanged disappointed glances, while Cedric approached the crowd.

"What's happening?" He leaned down to my level and asked, sounding rather concerned.

"Another fight," I replied, nodding in the direction of the brawl.

"Merlin's sake," Cedric groaned.

Blaise and Cedric broke through the clusters of onlookers and swiftly yanked Enzo off of the other student.

"Give him a break Berkshire," Cedric ordered, holding out his hand to help the other kid up.

"Your wish is my command," Enzo replied, holding his hands up innocently and backing away through the crowd.

I rolled my eyes at his gesture and began to head back toward the building.

"Wait up," I heard Enzo's deep voice call as he approached my side.

"What do you want?" I groaned.

"Why the cold shoulder love?" Enzo asked, craning his head down in an attempt to make eye contact with me.

"As if you don't know," I scoffed, continuing on toward the school.

Enzo grabbed my hand and pulled me back so that I was facing him.

"No I actually don't know," He replied, confusion apparent in his voice.

I got a glimpse of his face and gasped slightly at the sight of his graphic injuries.

"You're an idiot Berkshire. Come with me," I said, pulling his hand and walking toward the school once again.

"Yes ma'am," He replied with a chuckle.
"Count to 3," I ordered.

Enzo was currently sitting on the edge of my bed, as I did my best to clean up his wounds.

"Yes Doc," He said playfully, pulling my waist in between his legs so that I was standing at eye level.

"1... 2..." I placed the medicated cotton pad down onto his cut quickly.

Enzo inhaled sharply from the pain.

"So much for counting to 3," He remarked sarcastically, yet again.

I rolled my eyes and kept cleaning up his cut.

"Tough crowd today," He added. "Come on Maria, what's wrong?"

"Stop playing dumb and just let me clean up your face, okay?" I said, swiping another cotton pad along his cheek.

I was annoyed and unsurprisingly, he could tell.

He grabbed my wrist in response, forcing me to stop what I was doing.

I made eye contact with him, raising my eyebrows in a questioning manner.

"Tell me why you're mad at me," He demanded, staring back at me.

"Come on Enzo," I scoffed.

"Tell me."

"Fine. I asked you specifically not to get into any more stupid fights. And what do you do? You turn around and do it the next day," I explain with a huff.

"I know and I didn't want to upset you, but this one wasn't just a stupid fight," Enzo replied.

"How so?"

"That kid was a dick," He said.

"Oh wow Berkshire, that's a very good reason to beat someone up huh," I answered sarcastically.

"He... he was insulting Cissy," Enzo confided finally.

I could tell he was getting mad just thinking about it. If there was anyone on this earth that Lorenzo loved, it was Narcissa Malfoy.



"Well fine Enzo, but you know you're awfully lucky Cedric and Blaise stopped you before a professor saw. You know what Snape said. One more incident and you're in detention everyday for the next 2 months," I said, finally pulling my arm away from his grasp and continuing to wipe his cut.

"I know, I know," Enzo replied, "Why do you care so much anyway Maria?" He added after a moment or two.

"Because I care about you. Because I don't want you to suffer for days on end in detention. Because you're my friend-" I explained.

"Friend, huh?" Enzo said cutting me off.

"Guess so," I remarked with a shrug.

"Let's change that, yeah?" Enzo whispered, grabbing my wrist once again and pulling me closer into a passionate, sparks-flying type of kiss.

I eventually pulled away.

"You're insufferable Lorenzo Berkshire," I declared with a slight smile.

"You know you love me," He replied with a smirk, pulling me in closer once again.

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