The Great Hall

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"Holy shit Blaise, save some for the rest of us," Lorenzo jokingly said as Blaise reached for his third turkey leg of the evening. Lorenzo sat to my left and Blaise and Draco were across from the two of us, as usual.

"Sorry mate, I'm just ravenous after what Maria did to me earlier today," Blaise teased, knowing it would anger Lorenzo, whose eyes had already widened.

"He's kidding Enzo," Draco scoffed.

"Shut up Blaise," I said with a laugh.

Lorenzo eased back into his seat, "Oh piss off," he said to Blaise with a chuckle.

"I just don't get it," Blaise groaned in a whisper.

"You don't get what?" I questioned.

"How Lorenzo manages to get every girl drooling over him in a matter of seconds," Blaise lowered his voice so that only I could hear. I glanced over to my left, where Lorenzo was surrounded by at least four girls, all chatting him up. I rolled my eyes.

"Well I certainly am not drooling over him," I commented out of annoyance.

"You're different. I'm referring to all of these random girls that show up out of bloody nowhere and instantly suck up to him. It's like he has some kind of charm or something," Blaise scoffed out of jealousy.

"Enzo does have a certain charm about him. But so does Maria. That's why they're in love with each other," Draco butted in.

"What do you mean 'in love with each other'," I said, confusion apparent in my tone.

"You know exactly what I mean," Draco replied with a smirk. I shoved him playfully in response.

"Draco's right Maria. I mean you're not jealous at all that Enzo is completely ignoring you right now for a bunch of random girls?" Blaise questioned, raising one of his eyebrows.

"You know, you're right. Two can play that game," I replied with a devious wink in their direction, earning an intrigued glance from both Blaise and Draco.

I turned to my right, where a different group of Slytherins sat eating. They looked to be a bit younger, maybe year fours.

"Hi guys," I said with a friendly smile plastered on my face.

"Hi!," They replied in unison.

"I'm Maria," I introduced myself.

"I'm Carter."



"I'm Dally."

"Are you guys coming tonight?" I asked warmly.

"To what?" Grey asked, sounding interested.

"There's a party tonight in the Gryffindor common room. It should be fun," I explained.

"I thought we weren't supposed to associate much with the other houses," Merrick inquired.

"Oh, that's such an outdated school of thought. Don't tell Draco I said this, but some of the Gryffindors are super cool," I whispered.

"You think we should go?" Grey asked to no one in particular.

"Oh for sure!" I lowered my voice, "I mean I think we can all agree that Slytherin throws the best parties, but Gryffindor is definitely in second place."

"We'll be there," Carter replied with an excited smile.

"Cool, hopefully I see you guys," I added, raising my voice slightly so that Lorenzo might overhear.

"I'll look for you," Dally said a bit flirtatiously.

Immediately, I felt Enzo's strong hand position itself on my inner thigh, tightening slightly.

Carter noticed and furrowed his brows. I shrugged my shoulders innocently and continued our conversation.

Secretly, I loved how jealous Enzo was.
Dinner eventually came to a close and Enzo's hand still resided on my leg. As I stood up, I moved it back onto his lap, which caused him to be taken back quite a bit. Perfect.

"I'll see you Maria," Dally said with a smile and I waved to the group, as we parted ways.

Typically, I would wait for Lorenzo, Draco, and Blaise before leaving the Great Hall, but today I decided that leaving without them would get a very entertaining reaction out of Lorenzo. As I began to walk away alone, I flashed a mischievous glance to both Blaise and Draco, so that they knew what was going on. I didn't want them assuming I was mad at them.

I walked down the corridor, surrounded by other students who were also heading back to their rooms.

I felt two strong hands wrap around my waist, in a possessive manner.

Suddenly, I was yanked into an empty hallway.

"Lorenzo, you scared me," I commented, shoving him in the chest slightly.

"You think you're real funny, don't you? Messing with me all throughout dinner," Lorenzo said in his naturally deep voice, as he placed his hands against the wall that he had pushed me up against. We were awfully close, not that I was complaining.

"Oh, please. As if you didn't start it," I replied, annoyance clear in my voice.

"Huh?" Lorenzo asked.

"So you can talk to as many girls as you want, but when I do the same exact thing, you get all jealous and protective," I scoffed.

"Yeah basically," He replied calmly, still standing over me.

"You're such a hypocrite," I rolled my eyes.

"If you ask me, it sounds like you're the jealous one," Lorenzo let out a chuckle.

"Oh really?" I said.

"Yes, really," He replied.

"Then what are you gonna do about it?" I inquired, maintaining eye contact.

He instantly moved his lips onto mine, cupping my face firmly with his hands. I slightly gasped at the feeling of his cold silver rings resting against my skin. He used this opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth, moving it skillfully.

I knew he had experience, but damn.

We began to move in a rhythm, as if we were in sync with one another. He pulled away.

"Think about that the next time you want to tease me in public," He said with a devilish smirk, throwing his arm around my shoulder and leading me back out into the main corridor. I was in shock.

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