Chapter 8: Misty down

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Our group went to the main room, where a massive screen showed the pairs going to battle. They got a table and sat there, ordering some food to make time fly by faster.

Venoct: I'll take a Dried Mackerel

Red: Some chips for me

Lillie: Two Shaved Ice, one for me, one for Blizzaria

Max: Egg Sushi for me

Bonnie: and Chocolate Doughnut for me

After taking their orders, they chatted for a bit until Charles Goodshow appeared and gathered everyone. He then made pairs selected at random. In reality, all couples were chosen at random EXCEPT for Red's.

Red VS Misty

Red smirked, and Misty felt a cold shiver, but she was determined to win.

- Time skip to the battle 'cause I can -

Referee: This is a 3 on 3 battle between Gym Leader Misty and Yo-kai Champion Red. Battle begins

Misty: Misty calls: Corsola!

Red: Show your power, Primeape!

Referee: Corsola VS Primeape, BEGIN!

Misty: Corsola use Rock Blast

Red: Rock slide

The two moves collided. Corsola fired many rocks in a straight line. At the same time, Primeape created many stones to cover himself and smash the opposing Rock Blast.

Misty: Use Bubble Beam to dispose of the rocks

Red: Earthquake

While Corsola was busy taking care of the rocks, Primeape was stomping the ground until various earth platforms rose from the ground.

Red: Power-up Punch

Primeape jumped from one of the platforms and smashed his fist against Corsola, knocking out the Pokemon.

Ref: Corsola is unable to battle. Primeape is the winner! Misty, please send your next Pokemon!

Misty: Ugh! Misty calls: Golduck!

Red: Thanks, Primeape. Weavile freeze up!

A tall blue duck Pokemon appeared from Misty's side of the field while a mischievous Ice Type got called to the arena. Weavile's claws were in a battle stance, signifying it was ready to win.

Red: Double Team

Misty: Use Aqua Jet

Red's Weavile started forming copies of himself while Golduck was running to the center one. It wasn't the real Weavile, and now Golduck was wide open for attacks.

Red: Night slash

From all the numerous copies of Weavile, one of them charged at Golduck with a dark dagger and started slashing him. Weavile then went to Red's side of the field, awaiting orders.

Red: Icicle Crash

Misty: Get out of the way!

While Golduck struggled to get up, many Icicle spears started raining above Golduck, hitting the Pokemon. When the dust was cleared, Golduck was on the floor fainted, and Weavile looked at Red victorious.

Ref: Golduck is unable to battle. Weavile wins! Misty, please send your final Pokemon.

Misty: It's all up to you, Gyarados!

A Gyarados appeared on the stage roaring. It looked at Red with black eyes. Red immediately knew that this Gyarados was drugged.

Red: Come forth Sawsbuck

A sawsbuck appeared on the field. He had a majestic clump of leaves in orange coloration—an autumn Sawsbuck.

Ref: Sawsbuck VS Gyarados! Begin!

Red: You may have the first move


Red: Sawsbuck is a he. Please use Horn Leech.

Sawsbuck waited for Gyarados to come close, and then his horns shined as he leeched the energy out of Gyarados. Gyarados tried to hit him with Ice Fang, but he missed.

Misty: Hydro Pump.

Red: Dodge and use Megahorn

Gyarados fired a point-blank Hydro Pump, but Sawsbuck sidestepped and rushed at him with his horns glowing green. Once it hit the Pokemon, Gyarados was falling with swirls in his eyes.

Ref: Gyarados is unable to battle. Sawsbuck wins! Red is the winner of this round!

Red didn't even look at Misty when she crashed to her knees and began rushing out with tears in her eyes. Red went to the villa where the party was hanging out. Venoct was training, and so was Max. Bonnie, Blizzaria, and Lillie were watching TV.

Red and Lillie shared a kiss and then told Lillie that he would train with them. She accepted, and Red went to the area in which the guys were training.

Venoct: Good beat up you gave the kid

Max: That was awesome!

Red: Heh, thanks

They continued training when the traitors showed up.

May: What did you use?

Red: What now?

Dawn: It's obvious. What drug did you use on your Pokemon?

Red: I've never even touched a drug in my life. You can check them if ya want. I have nothing to hide, unlike that Gyarados of yours.

Misty was shocked, but she wanted to make this man angry so that he slipped up and could get him out of the tournament.

Cilan: Well then, let's check them

Red: Sure enough, but I don't trust you, brats. Venoct put my Pokemon on a drug tester.

Venoct teleported everyone to Pokemon Center and explained the situation. Nurse Joy then placed the drug detector on the three Pokemon, and nothing was detected, as expected.

Nurse Joy: Your Pokemon are clean.

Red: See? Now Venoct teleports me to the training zone.

Venoct teleported himself and Red to where he was told. They continued training until nigh-time rolled. They went to their rooms and saw Bonnie, Blizzaria, and Lillie sleeping in their respective rooms. Red and Max slept with the girls while Venoct just did the exercise as always.

One down, Twelve to go!

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