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To: minx@ evolved.gg
Subject: (empty)

Month 2.

I decided.. once every month would be easier to manage. I can't handle going every week thinking "hmm what should I email my dead girlfriend today that she won't read because that's impossible? hmmmmmm."

They didn't "pronounce" you dead yet, obviously. They're still trying everything in their power to get you up and running but I have a feeling its useless. You can't just pop up after such a life threatening comma that would surely last forever, right? It's practically impossible, they showed me statistics and shit, showed me A 3 HOUR LONG GRAPH ABOUT THE FACT MY LOVED ONE, THE ONLY PERSON I ACTUALLY LOVE IN THIS BITCH OF A WORLD IS GOING TO DIE BY A 98.43% CHANCE.

Back to Greek mythology, perhaps. 

I think of Skeppy's character as Prometheus. Prometheus, sight seer to some, was a titan that convinced his brother Epimethius to join the gods in the war against the titans. Zeus, basically king of the gods, rewarded him by letting him live I'm pretty sure. I'm just summoning my inner Percy Jackson knowledge here, don't expect anything too detailed or too accurate, just borderline accurate.

One day, Zeus gave Prometheus the task of creating the Earth. The landscape, fauna and flora, and finally, humans. Zeus told Prometheus to not give the humans fire, as they would use it against the gods and live for themselves, forgetting the gods are the reason they are alive. Prometheus agreed, but didn't want his creations to live out in the world without any warmth. 

One day, I forgot how this happened, but Prometheus had an idea. For the sacrifice the humans would make to the gods, Prometheus put bones under the appealing fat of the animal in a bowl and put the flesh of the animal under the unappealing leftovers. When it was time to make the sacrifice, Zeus obviously chose the bowl with fat on top instead of the one with leftovers. When he was met with bones instead of a full bowl of fat, he raged. I think of Prometheus as Skeppy because the reason Skeppy gave into the egg was so he could be with Bad, and for Prometheus he wanted the humans to live on with warmth, hence giving them fire.

Zeus, after finding out about Prometheus's trick, banished him from Olympus and chained him to a mountain top, specifcally the Caucascus mountain. It represented the end in greek mythology, which is interesting because as the story line goes it appears that the egg is going to be the end for Skeppy. When I picture that, I picture Skeppy wanting to be with Bad so badly he gave into the egg and because of that he forever has changed. Prometheus's real punishment was every day an eagle would soar by and rip Prometheus open by the stomach, eating his liver then flying away. And every day, the liver would grow back, only to be eaten again.

That's like Skeppy forever paying for giving into the egg instead of destroying it and getting the real Bad back, for being desperate. I'm desperate right now. Desperate to get you back, to get to you in any way, even if it meant death. You have to understand, just like Skeppy, I'd do anything for you.

I just wanna see you, just one last time.


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