Chapter Twenty Nine: Terror At The World Cup

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(Song: Rat A Tat by Fall Out Boy)

I woke up at Malfoy Manor, Ezra and I both slept in the guest rooms. Although they were the guest rooms, Ezra and I had claimed them since we were kids, aunt Narcissa calls them our rooms.

I got dressed in an all black attire, complete with a black long sleeve, black trousers, and my black combat boots.

I put all of my rings on, minus the Weasley ring. I also put on the necklace Ezra gave me. I still wasn't used to how short my hair was, but I managed to style it with a few waves.

I went downstairs to the dining room to eat breakfast before we left for the quidditch World Cup. I saw that Ezra and Draco were already at the table. Ezra wore a black blazer with a dark grey sweater and black trousers. Draco wore an all black attire with a black blazer, black turtleneck, and black trousers.

"Morning guys," I said while taking a seat next to Draco.

"Morning V," Draco said.

"Ready for the game?" Ezra asked

"I don't know, I'm forced to like quidditch because you two are on the team. I'm not sure I can tolerate an actual game," I said sarcastically.

"Shut up V, this is a good opportunity," Ezra said.

"Yeah, we're in the Minister's box, it's going to be great," he said.

Just then uncle Lucius appeared in the dining room with his usual all black attire and cane.

"We'll be leaving soon children," he said as he sat down at the table.

"Uncle Lucius, how'd you manage to get us seats in the Minister's box?" Ezra asked.

"Actually, Cornelius Fudge invited us," he said as he sipped his tea.

"That's nice of him," I replied.

Once we finished we headed to the stadium where the game was being held. We walked through this forest where the trail was lit with golden lanterns.

"Are we almost there?" I whispered to Draco.

He nodded.

A few minutes later I was amazed to see a huge stadium in front of us. Next to the stadium was a camp with tents. Everyone was celebrating and having fun wearing either Bulgaria or Irish colors.

"Seats a thousand people," Ezra said interrupting my thoughts.

"I bet," I said as we entered the stadium.

We began walking towards the minister's box when I heard a familiar voice.

"Blimey dad, how far up are we?"

I looked up to see the Weasley's, Harry, Hermione, and Cedric.

"Put it this way," Uncle Lucius began saying as we all stopped and looked up, "If it rains, you'll be the first to know," he said while Draco laughed.

I immediately felt uncomfortable with the tension growing. I looked over to Ezra who just stood silent.

My eyes met the twins.

"We're in the Minister's box, by personal invitation from Cornelius Fudge himself," Draco bragged.

Fred rolled his eyes while George looked straight at me and smiled.

"Don't boast, Draco," uncle Lucius said as he hit Draco in the stomach with his cane, "There's no need with these people," he continued.

I laughed quietly along with Ezra as Draco got hit. Draco shot us both a glare.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now