Chapter Seventy Six: The Beginning Of The End

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(Song: This Is What You Came For (feat. Rihanna) by Calvin Harris)

The last few days of holidays were pretty mellow. Draco, Ben and I helped Ezra move into his new flat. It was small but spacious at the same time.  Perfect for Ezra.

The house was pretty empty the last night before returning to school. Dad was still upset at Mum for doing the things she did. We didn't know where she was.

Frankly, I didn't care.

Uncle Lucius and Aunt Narcissa were baffled when they heard about what Annie did to Lucy. They were both followers of the dark lord but they didn't wish death on my mum.

Things were far from normal.

I also got so many letters from George, Lilah, and Jess.

Lilah and Jess were worried about me. They missed me so much, I couldn't wait to tell them everything in person.

"Ready V?" Draco said as he disturbed me from my thoughts.

I closed my journal and nodded.

"This is the last time I'm getting on the train to Hogwarts," I said.

"Don't make this dramatic V, I'll still see you," Draco said laughing.

I scoffed.

We got out of the car with our bags and made our way to Platform 9 ¾. I said my goodbyes to Uncle Lucius and my dad one more time before getting on the train.

Draco had on his usual all black suit, I noticed that there were some third year Slytherin girls staring and giggling at him.

Draco acknowledged the attention but he wanted to act all cool and mysterious. Boys are so stupid.

"I see the Draco Malfoy fan club has gained some new members," I whispered to him.

He laughed.

"Shove off V," he said in response.

I smiled.

I wore a black long sleeve, green plaid skirt, over the knee black socks and my white combat boots. With my new hair, it was true Slytherin fashion.

Draco and I made it on board two minutes before the train left. I had to make my way to the back to meet up with the group.

I saw a few people noticeably staring at us.

"Why are they staring at us?" I asked Draco.

He laughed.

"Not me, they're looking at Regulus Black's daughter," he began.

"Fuck my life," I muttered.

I hated all the attention. They were all looking at me like I had killed someone. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there was a new story about me in the Daily Prophet.

Suddenly, Draco gently pushed me to his other side. I was confused as to why he did it.

"What?" I asked.

"Aria is looking at your legs," Draco said as he sent a death glare to Kingsley.

"Isn't he still dating Auden? He's so fucking disgusting," I said as we walked past him.

That's when Draco found his friends in a booth. Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle were all sitting and joking around until they saw us.

"Vera, you look great," Blaise said.

"Really nice," Crabbe followed.

"Stunning," Goyle ended.

Draco shoved his way next to Crabbe and sat down. His mood instantly changed to annoyed. Classic Malfoy.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now