Chapter Six: Converations By The Lake

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(Song: Greek Tragedy by The Wombats)

I woke up to the sunlight peeking in from the window. George was still fast asleep, and I could hear Fred snoring on the other side of the room. I looked down to see that there was a small blanket covering me. I recognized it as Molly's knitwork.

"You looked cold last night," George said in a sleepy voice, his eyes were still shut.

I smiled.

"How are you feeling George?" I asked sitting up.

George began rubbing his eyes as he also sat up.

"Like complete shit," he responded as I laughed at him.

"Yeah, fire whiskey does that to you," I said as I got up from the bed.

He followed by slowly getting out of bed and stretching his arms out, his shirt lifted up revealing a bit of his torso. And that damn V line.

My cheeks started blushing pink.

He notices and starts laughing.

"V, you're blushing again," he said.

I looked down and began playing with my bracelet.

He shook his head.

"Vera, I'm so sorry about yesterday. I don't know why I acted out like that. You should be able to go out with whoever you want, even if he did beat us in quidditch," he said with a small laugh.

I looked up at him.

"I forgive you, and I'm sorry for yelling at you too. But you still owe me five galleons Weasley," I said.

He smiled then leaned in for a hug. My head was pressed against his chest, and I could hear his heartbeat intensely.

"Thank Merlin!" Fred let out from across the room, "You two made up," he continued.

I left back to my own room to change into other clothes. Lilah was already up and running.

"Morning V, Lee told me you slept over at the twins' room," she said as she began combing her hair.

I nodded as I put my sweater away.

I went to my dresser and picked out a grey long sleeve and black jeans.

"Did you talk to George?" she asked.

"Yeah, he apologized and said that Cedric was a good guy," I replied.

We both went down to the Great Hall to have breakfast with the group.

I was taking a bite of a muffin before I heard my name.


Ezra rushed over to me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Without a warning, he grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me out of the Great Hall.

"When were you going to tell me about you and Diggory?" he asked.

"This just happened yesterday, you're being obnoxious Ezra," I replied.

"It's just, dad is not going to like you dating a Hufflepuff, neither is Uncle Lucius," he replied.

"Dad can barely accept me as a Ravenclaw," I say in agreement.

"You know dad doesn't care for Amos Diggory, much less his daughter dating his son," he continued.

"You know Ezra, I can't keep living like this. Shouldn't I be allowed to like whoever I please? Whether it's Cedric or even a Gryffindor," I explained.

"You're right, but how are you going to explain it to dad? We're going to see him next month," he asked.

I shrugged.

"It's one date, I don't need to tell him anything yet," I replied.

Ezra let out a sigh.

Just then, Draco walked past us.

"Malfoy," Ezra said as he called him over.

Draco walked over to us.

"Let's say a certain someone has a date with someone that's not from Slytherin, what would Uncle Lucius do?" he asked Draco.

"My father would go mad," he replied as he let out a giggle, "Who are we talking about?" Draco asked.

Ezra pointed at me.

"No way, with whom?" Draco asked once more.


Draco began laughing so hard.

"My father's going to scold you to death," he said.

I rolled my eyes at them.

"You two are exhausting," I said as I walked back into the Great Hall.

Later on, Fred, George, and I took a walk near the lake. We all sat down admiring the view.

I looked over to Fred who was talking about a new Weasley product when I noticed something on his neck.

"Freddie, what's that?" I asked, pointing to his neck.

George grabbed his brother's head and tilted it to the side to get a better look at the purple mark.

"No way, Angelina did this?" he replied.

Fred shoved his brother away.

"I'm guessing you had a good time," I teased while George was laughing.

"Fuck off," he said as he attempted to his love bite.

After we all calmed down we changed up the conversation. We began talking about how Fred should flirt with Angelina.

"Girls like it when boys are gentle, sweet, and surprising, like random hand-holding or a spontaneous kiss," I said as Fred and George listened.

"George, get up," I say as I also pull myself to my feet.

He obliges.

"Try this with Angelina, George you'll be Angelina," I said as I told him to face the left.

As George turned to face the left, I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist giving him a hug from behind.

"You think she'll like that?" Fred questions.

I nodded as I let go of George.

"Most definitely," I replied.

"You can also do this," George exclaimed.

He spontaneously turned me towards him and grabbed my face making us lock eyes. He glided his thumb over my cheekbones. I froze as George looked deep into my eyes. I noticed his beautiful brown eyes, looking at every detail. He had a hint of golden specks in his irises.

"Drives girls, insane," he said as he let go of me, shaking me out of my daze.

We all laughed as we taught Fred how to woo Angelina over.

"Or just say Orchideus," I replied.

We all stood up to head back to the castle, as we walked down the hall towards the Great Hall, I began to feel a burning sensation on my side.

"Bloody hell," I said holding my side.

Fred and George turned to look at me.

"Vera!" Fred said pointing at my side.

My grey shirt was now soaked in blood. I started to lose my balance and almost fell. Thankfully, George was there to catch me.

I now stared at the huge gash that appeared on the right side of my body.

"Fuck!" George shouted.

"We're getting help Vera," Fred said in a panic.

Students began huddling over me as I was in George's arms, on the floor, bleeding to death.

I nodded at both Fred and George.

I began to lose consciousness, my eyesight going pitch black in just minutes.

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