Chapter 18

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I haven't felt good for days. I know what it is and I absolutely fear it. I haven't bled for a while and my stomach is slightly poking out. Not a lot to notice under clothing, but enough for me to have realized by now. 

I haven't said a word to anyone. I only hope that I return to Robb soon. I miss him so much. I carry his little wolf in my belly. Perhaps, that will make him less angry for leaving him at the camp when he was sleeping. 

I look up at the kingdom of the Crownlands. King's Landing is roughly two-thousand feet from us but I can see it as clear as day. This is it. Our long and terrible journey is about to come to an end and then I can go to Robb. But that means leaving Jaime. That is where I am at the crossroads. I can't stay in King's Landing because I need to return Lady Starks daughters to her and I have to go back to Robb. I'm also afraid of what Queen Cersei would do if I stayed. She won't kill me since I'm bringing Jaime back almost in one piece, but if I did stay she would make my life miserable. I can't return to Winterfell because the Greyjoy's have taken over. I know Robb will want to battle them before I even can think of going to Dragonstone. 

Thinking of my birthplace makes me wonder about the half-sister I have. The only family member I have in this world. A girl that I have never met before. I can only picture her with the features I know she has. Silver-white hair and pale skin. I don't know if she is tall or short or thin or fat. I don't know if she's nice or cruel. I know that she was seen as a threat to Robert Baratheon, but is she still a threat to the Iron Throne. Will Daenerys Targaryen want to claim it if she ever comes to King's Landing? Will she ever want to know who I am?

"You must be excited to be home," I tell Jaime as we come closer to the gates. 

"I won't be when we part ways," He says. 

"We will have a couple of days," I shrug. "I will need to plan out a safer journey back to Robb."

"Probably for the best," Brienne agrees. 

"I will miss this trio," Jaime comments as we stand in front of the gates. 

"As will I," Brienne nods before the gates open. 

"I'm off to find the girls," I tell them. "Brienne, I will let you know when I plan to leave."

"Yes, Visenya," She nods before waving at Jaime and me and leaving. 

"Sansa will be at the castle," Jaime says to me. 

"As will Cersei," I say matter of factly. "You'll finally be reunited with the woman you love."

"And you will be with the man you love," His words partly sting me. 

Yes, I love Robb. But Jaime didn't deny loving Cersei. It leaves me wondering if he does or doesn't anymore. He once said that he couldn't forgive her for what he thinks she had done to me. Has he grown out of love with his twin sister? Why am I even thinking about this? I can't possibly be-I can't! However, there is no denying I haven't thought about it. Before and after I began my relationship with Robb. 

"May I escort you to the castle?" Jaime asks me. 

"Yes," I nod before we head in the same direction. 


 Once Jaime and I enter the Red Keep, he immediately looks at me as he is waiting for me to tell him that it is okay to find Cersei. I give him a soft smile and nod, which he only returns with only a nod. I watch him walk away from me until I can no longer see him. 

I look down at the ruined green dress I'm still wearing. It is dirty and ripped at the bottom. I hold onto the satchel tighter as if it will protect me from anyone who wants to get rid of me here. I brush my hair behind my soldiers and take a deep breath before going to look for Sansa. After I know that she is safe, I will negotiate with Tywin Lannister and find Arya so that I can return both Stark girls safely to Robb and Catelyn. Then, I can be free with the Starks. With Robb. 

I walk down one of the large halls, forgetting the beauty of the castle. I fight the urge to look at the garden on my left side as I continue. Just to my luck, Sansa is walking toward down the hallway and toward the garden with Loras Tyrell on her arm. She notices me and freezes, her eyes watering. I run toward her as she runs to me, wrapping our arms around each other. 

"Wow," I pull back to get a good look at her. "You've gotten tall," She's roughly an inch or two taller than me. 

"You're not dead," Sansa says in disbelief. 

"I'm not," I chuckle softly. 

"Lady Vivienne," Loras politely nods. 

"Ser Loras," I nod back. 

"You look like you're in desperate need of a bath," Loras says, acknowledging how dirty I am. "And a good night's rest."

"As lovely as that sounds, I have to see the king and his mother," I tell them before smiling at Sansa. "We're going to find your sister and we're going back to your family."

"They'll never let us," Sansa shakes her head. 

"They will now that I've brought Ser Jaime back," I tell her to her astonishment. 


Sansa and I walk side by side toward the Great Hall. I am anxious. I don't know if it'll be as easy as I hope. I know for certain that Jaime has reunited with his twin sister by now, hopefully speaking of how Brienne and I returned him with only a severed hand. Perhaps, he's already spoken with King Joffrey and his father. His father is who I want to speak with. Tywin may be intimidating and stern, but I don't know him enough to despise him like I do Cersei and Joffrey. 

I enter the Great Hall, immediately locking eyes with Joffrey who sits on the Iron Throne and I try not to gag. Besides him, only Jaime, Cersei, Tywin, Tyrion, and two other knights of the Kingsguard are in the room. I didn't expect to see Cersei looking at me with a pleased smirk. When I look from Cersei's menacing face to Jaime's fallen one, I tense. Something is wrong. Terribly wrong and I am petrified to learn what it is. 

"What is it, your grace?" Sansa is the first to ask, speaking to Joffrey. 

"Robb and Catelyn Stark are dead," Joffrey grins so much that I'm sure it makes his cheeks sore. 


This can't be true. Not now, not ever. I hear Sansa begin to cry and my face remains neutral as my head begins to hurt, my heart aching. This can't be true.

"It's quite funny, actually," Joffrey stands up, the gold crown gleaming on his head. He focuses his attention on me. "At the dinner with Walder Frey, Robb denied to wed one of his daughters. He claimed to be in love with another."

I fall to my knees, holding my stomach as tears fall uncontrollably down my face. I almost don't feel the strong arms that run to hold me. Jaime. 

"Robb died for you," Joffrey continues, looking down at me. "His only queen. The only queen he could ever want. A Targaryen queen," They know. They all know. "You are the reason he is dead."

Just then, something within me snaps. My anger and sadness become too much to bear and a loud scream leaves my mouth. Jaime holds me tighter. I hold my stomach as I continue to scream. When there are no more screams or sobs leaving me, Jaime pulls me into him, forcing my head to rest on his shoulder. 

"Jaime, I am..." It is barely a whisper. "I am pregnant," Now, it is him that becomes tense. 

"Sh," He strokes my vantablack hair comfortably and I ignore the glare being sent by Cersei. "It is going to be alright. You are going to be safe. I will protect you."

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