Chapter 19

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I lay on my old bed in my old room, holding onto my slowly growing stomach as I've done since weeks ago. Jaime had carried me out of the room and was eventually able to get me into a bath. He had a servant clean me as he waited outside. Then when she got me into a black, silk gown, he had carried me here where I've laid ever since. I haven't eaten or slept. I know that Sansa hasn't either. 

"Good morning," Jaime enters the room, walking to sit by my bedside with food in his hands. "You need to eat."

"I am not hungry," I mutter. 

"That is a lie," He says matter of factly before sighing. "If you starve, you are also starving your baby," I look at him. "You need to eat."

I reluctantly sit up, resting my upper body on the wooden headboard. He hands me the plate of fruit and pastries and I only stare at it. It takes me a second before I pick up a berry and bite into it. I continue to slowly eat as I look at Jaime. He has cut his hair and shaven his face. The cuts on his face have healed significantly. 

"Sansa is to remain here as she has wed Tyrion," Jaime informs me. "My father has assured no harm will come to you or this child."

"What does that matter?" I ask, still muttering. "It'll be a bastard like me. Another Targaryen and Stark bastard. It would be better off dead."

"You don't mean that," He says before lifting my chin to look him in the eyes. "I know you don't mean that."

"You don't need to know me," I say. "Everyone knows who I am. My head will be on a spike soon enough."

"I won't allow that," He tells me. "Cersei may not like you, but she won't harm you now that you carry a baby. She is not that cruel."

"Just cruel enough to laugh at his death in front of me," I scoff. "You still love her."

"I don't," He automatically says, taking himself and me both by surprise. He didn't even hesitate. "Not like that anymore."

"I would prefer to be alone," I say, looking back down at my food. 


"Jaime," I look into his cat-green eyes with my dragon-gold ones. "Please."

"So be it," He leans forward to kiss the top of my head. "Try to get some sleep," He then takes something out and hands me a piece of paper. "Robb had this in his coat when he died."

I take the letter from him. I know what it is. I wait for Jaime to leave my room before I unfold it, recognizing my own handwriting. It's the letter I left for Robb before I ran off in the night with Jaime and Brienne. 

Robb, my King in the North,

I am sorry, but I made a promise to your mother. I have taken Jaime and Brienne of Tarth with me to King's Landing. I am to get him home safe to exchange him for your sisters. Perhaps, this is the easier way. A way to avoid more war and bloodshed. 

I know you won't be happy with me, but I hope you will forgive me one day.  You are the first person I ever confessed to who I am and you instantly excepted me. You loved me and I will forever love you. 

Your Queen in the North, Visenya 

I let a few tears slip from my eyes and down my cheeks, hitting the paper. I bring it to my lips and kiss it. My breath shakes a little before I realize there is writing on the back of it. 

I, too, will forever love you, my Queen Visenya

A smile forms on my lips. I slide off of my bed for the first time and walk to my dresser, taking out the box of letters that I hide. I open it on my bed and touch the numerous letters inside of it. I place this one on top. It will be the last letter I ever put in here. 

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