Someone like you

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Hey guysss this Sofia Electra writing ehm well this ff takes place after the episode 2x12 "a good day to die" sooo I changed some things and I hope you will like it ....English isnt my native lenguage tought so If I make some mistakes lemme know byeee honeyss 🌺🌺

Chloes Pov

Im in the car, giggling because im Alive and I get things of my life that I never got before, I call lucifer but hes not answering so typical of him, so  his voice on the phone starts saying that hes not available "lucifer morningstar isnt available will answer when im not sleeping with someone byee" his voice ohh gosh I've always liked all of him especially his accent, but my pride always has the best on me and I made some mistakes maybe he will start open up to me "hey lucifer it's Chloe I'm coming to the penthouse because I want to thank you for saving my life" that sound stupid I cant help myself so I blush, I giggle and I drive faster but not too fast I dont want to head the hospital right after I left the E.R, I laugh because I imagine the situation with the doctors all mad at me with "ma'Am care to take care of you?" After that the radio starts playing  my favourite song, Someone like you By ADELE, reminds me of a lot of things after I met him and I cant help myself and I smile ahhh hes going to be the death of me seriously that man hes so crazy.

Lucifer Pov

"Hey Lucifer im coming to the penthouse because I want to thank you for saving my life" I heard her voice on the phone she was trembling and she was so cute, I never saw this side of her but I surely loved it, but Im seriously going to Lose her anyway because I'm gonna leave I cant break her like this with my evil being and everything, I sight and my phone buzzes, Amenadiel, I seriously dont want to talk to him, but maybe its something about her and I want to hurt her as less as possible "what do you want amenadiel? Are you in the mood of spreading bad news and lies all over me?" My eyes turn red and my blood boils "brother mom was wrong Chloe isnt a manipulation, because father stopped even looking over you, and I went to LA just to bless a couple and Chloe has nothing to do with It I remember the bible all the lines by heart and shes not the first blessed Child the mortality and what you two have is completly her wants, mom wanted to manipulate you because she wanted to go back in heaven, but she was wrong about this you and chloe are real" I was hearing it, it was all true, it wasnt a game of dear old dad, this is the first time I didnt feel hate for him, I will never feel something for him after what he has done to me but the dete-Chloe is the reason why I'm not so mad at my dad, she's my distraction, a positive one, more than the alcohol and women she was pure and all I could possibly desire "bye brother" "bye luci nice evening" I hang up and I hear a ding and some steps in my direction, I was sitting at the piano and I couldnt see, but I would recognize her walk and her scent between everyone in the universe "hello detective isnt a bit late for a new case?" I scoff and she sits next to me "hey lucifer can we talk about ehm us?" "Yes sure darling"


Darling, did he just call me darling? I can see a sparlke in his eye even if it was kinda dark "lucifer I might have something that I want to tell you but first I want to ask you what happened this afternoon after you saved me?" I whisper the last part but he still can hear it "Chloe I cant lie not to you, this is going to be hard you to understand but my mom tried to manipulate me with you, she said that you were just a toy for me, and I couldnt believe her so I freak out" I roll my eyes "can you please just stop with yout methaphors?" I start getting angry "Chloe, love, theres Also another thing that I want to show you but you have to promise me you wont leave ok?" I arch my eyebrow "what is It?" He closes his eyes and after a second two white big Bright wings popped out from his back "A-are those?" I open my eyes I cant "Chloe Im sorry" sorry?? How he could possibly feel sorry? I mean his wings they were so beautiful and maybe I see him better than before all the things I couldnt explain now are so clear "Lucifer, listen to me, maybe you say that youre the devil, but I see you like a fallen angel and after all youre a good ma- devil" I cant help myself and I smile he smiles at me back and he cups my face with his hands, they were so soft and I gasp at his touch "Chloe last thing that I want to show you promise that its the last but this will be the hardest to accept" I look at him "Lucifer show it to me please" "close tour eyes first" and I do so.


I shifted to my devil face "Chloe I seriously hope youre not gonna hate me, you can open your eyes" she opens her eyes and I see her ocean blue eyes staring at my face "Lucifer...I dont hate you, even with this face I see my partner and a fallen angel, this face wasnt here before your dad punished you right? So youre not evil and you never deserved that youre good and evil is far away from you Lucifer" after that she kisses My Lips, She didnt care if they were burnt and my entire body was red with burning bruises she kissed me anyway my real face is back and I Kiss her back we broke the Kiss both of us Breathless looking at each other "lucifer I-" she is going to cry right now how can I possibly not loving her? "Chloe I love you" she just looked at me in disblief "yes chloe I do love you with all myself I went back to hell today just to save you I cant stay without you I cant" a tear drops and I instantly dry it with my index finger "shhhh Chloe no need to cry now Im here" I hug her and she leans into my chest I kiss her hair and I take her in my arms, I carry her to my bed and I lay her down "I can sleep on the couch if you prefer" "no sleep with me please" I chuckle "Told you would beg me to bed you detective" "youre such an ass Lucifer" she smiles, and I lay down next to her and she leans into my chest "I dont have a change for tomorrow"she said all worried "detective first of all you have the week off second I can bring you there with my corvette" "right right" shes now relaxed  "but if you want I can give you one of my shirts" I say with my best smirk "that would be perfect babe" "since when Im Babe?" I say amused from that little pet name she just used "uhh well youre my Babe now If you dont like it you will have to deal with it" "honey you can call me whatever you want im yours" I cant believe I just said that this woman can do incredible stuff "I didnt know the devil was so soft but im yours too babe" "I know honey" I kiss her Lips and kissed her neck too she was with only underwear on and wow she looked divine never tought that an human would be so perfect but well shes special thats why I love her, I slowly remove my chlotes  trying to be careful to not wake her up she just fall asleep and I was just lost in my toughts and after that she starts snoring "oh right I forgot that" but it was her so that was music to my ears I tangle her within my arms so she cant escape even if she wants to, thing that I doubt given that after that she got even closer to me and then I fell asleep too with her in my arms, the best feeling ever I dont want to leave her shes mine now and I had what I desire.

Yey chapter one is done lemme know your toughts please words counter: 1506 ill update soon soon

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