/6/ I Love You

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Baka-chan's note :P

It's been a long time since I last updated, and well.. it's back to school yet once again, still I had decided to finish this story once and for all. Flashbacks will come your way and so is the message.

Enjoy reading *hands out tissues*




The voice  that somehow was a part of me

The eyes that blinked “I love you” perfectly

With a little fib, I let all of it slowly fade away

If we were to grant the wish we wished the most

someone else will lose something that they hold close


Alois Utau's Pov

We met back in middle high. We are seatmates back then and of course, since it's our first year, neither both of us knew the names of one another. But like every simple meeting, we talked it off like normal people not expecting that it will become deeper over time.

"Alois! Good morning!!" he called to me as he run close to where I am.

It's already our 2nd year in middle high. And it's our first day today,, like planned, we waited for each other near the school gate since we had decided that we'll our class together

So as soon as we met up, we finally went to check the classes pasted on the bulletin board where students are already crowding at.

"E-Excuse me~" I said as I make my way to get in through the tiny spaces.

But as I was squeezing my way in,, I felt a force push me backward and so I ALMOST fell backwards on my butt.

And I said ALMOST because as I was about to fall he suddenly catch me and I landed in his warm comforting arms

"You okay Alois?" he asked me as he helped me stand straight again.

"Yeah, I'm fine... I guess I'm just too careless" I said with a slight smile on my face and as I scratch the back of my head

But even with that act of idiocy of mine to convince him that I'm fine, he's worried expression still remains in his face.

And before I could once again speak some reassuring words. he pulled me to the side not far away from the crowd but much safer.

He then patted my head and smiled at me. Then he said,

"I'll check while you stay here, 'kay?"

I felt my face burn and turns red. Luckily, he has already turned his back on me.

*minutes later*

After a few minutes of him gone and me standing and watching the chaos near the bulletin board, I then saw a figure of him finally approaching me. Though his condition earlier is much better than now. Because as he slowly walk towards me with his hair shadowing his eyes... I noticed that some of the buttons of his uniform is now unbuttoned. His hair is much messier... and laslty.. the way he walk is like his knees are going to collapse any moment.

And as I am watching him, I just noticed that he is already in front of me. I was going to ask what happened when he suddenly hugged me

"A-ah.. O-Oi! H-Hiro-kun! What do you think you're doing!?" I asked with my voice raised. I tried struggling but when he remained unmoving I just stopped and waited for him to speak.

Wish-The Last Message (Short-Story)**COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now