Chapter 04: Nocturne (Or, a piece of music of a nocturnal mood)

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There was a light knock on the bathroom door. Asuka knew Kurama would be upset, but he was the only person who could give her council. If this night didn't go exactly right she would endanger team Urameshi. If Sakyo discovered she had Foresight, the outcome would be even worse.

"Come in," she said with a scratchy voice.

The door creaked, and Kurama snaked his head through until found her sitting on the bathroom floor. "You called for me?"

She nodded and breathed in again, attempting to steady the fear. "Did they tell you?"

His raspberry stained hair swayed as he moved into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. "Botan said you would tell me. Asuka, what is it?"

"Well," she said nervously, "I guess I drew too much attention to myself."

He narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

Asuka swallowed and looked away. "After I had breakfast I noticed a piano in the corner of the hotel lobby and—"

"I heard you playing."

She was unable to keep the surprise off her face. He was listening? For how long? She didn't remember seeing him in the crowd, but then again, it was Kurama. What did he hear?

"O-oh," she stammered. "You did?"

He nodded and placed his hands in his pant pockets. Asuka tilted her head upward to meet the gleam of his eyes. His presence felt much larger than his body. It wasn't menacing, but Asuka couldn't put her finger on the feeling she was getting from him.

"Did you learn something about yourself?" he asked.

A contented smile settled on her face. "I did, and, I'm so happy."

Kurama turned his head away, as if he were contemplating something. It confused her, and the contentedness melted back into anxiety.

"Sakyo," Asuka forced out as she tried to change the subject. "He found out about my piano playing and wants me to play for him and some guests. Tonight."

Emerald eyes stared at her, waiting to see if there was more.

"Kurama, I'm...scared."

Immediately the man before her dropped to one knee and placed his hands on her arms. "Asuka," he said firmly, "I'm going to teach you a better method of ki suppression. I know you've been hiding yours, but with mine, you should appear to have almost no discernable ki. When I was a thief, this is how I hid my presence."

She nodded, then put her hand on her forehead. "I'm sorry," she said. "Kurama I—"

Kurama shook his head, his words surprising her. "You couldn't have anticipated this. Now, are you ready?"


He put his other knee on the on the bathroom floor and sat on his legs.

"Most people suppress their ki by metaphorically trying to put a lid on it," he began. "The problem with this method stems from how limited a technique it is. To truly suppress your ki, you must concentrate it down first."

Asuka stared blankly as she tried to picture what Kurama was saying in her mind.

"Think of a piece of paper," he said. "The more you fold a paper in half, the smaller it becomes and the less space it takes up. The paper becomes infinitely more difficult to fold as you continue, but the smaller it is, the better it can remain unseen in your pocket."

In theory I see what he means, but just how would you go about applying the principle to your ki?

He looked at her thoughtfully. "In order for you to understand, I will first demonstrate. Come closer?"

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