Chapter 15: Dissonance (Or, the feeling of stability in relation to tension)

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Three weeks had passed since Asuka told Kaito to call Genkai. Asuka trained every day like Genkai instructed, and every day she wondered when the old woman would contact her. The situation had to be getting worse over in Muyshiyori city. Shouldn't the Spirit Detective Squad be alerted?

It was Tuesday lunch hour. Asuka was at her locker to get a book for the next class when she noticed a voicemail from Genkai on her phone. She looked at the clock, and realized there was just enough time to hurry outside and call the old woman back.

"Asuka I'm in Tokyo," she said. "You will meet me after school and you will not tell anyone I am here." Genkai gave Asuka the address.

"Is everything alright?" Asuka asked. She couldn't help but feel worried. It was rare for the old woman to travel outside her home in the mountains, and now Genkai was in Tokyo.

"Hmph. We will see. Don't be late, Asuka."

Genkai tended to get sharp when she was stressed, and judging from that phone call, she was very worried.

Be calm, Asuka. You have to make it through the rest of the day. Don't you dare lose it.

Asuka was grateful she and Kurama had no set plans to meet after school today. He was going to help the biology club with an experiment after school, and predicted he would be there until the building closed. She'd already seen him that morning so it wouldn't be difficult to avoid him in the afternoon. If they saw each other, Asuka knew Kurama would detect her worry. She'd mess up Genakai's plans if he asked her what was wrong.

I better get back inside.

As soon as the bell rung to signify classes were over for the day, Asuka hurried out of the classroom and grabbed her things from her locker. Genkai was on the other side of the city and it would take some time for Asuka to travel to the address. She made sure to get some takeaway from the convenience store before she hopped on a train.

"There you are," Genkai said when Asuka arrived at the creepy-looking mansion at dusk.

Genkai sure knows how to pick them.

"Come, this way. We don't have much time to get you settled in."

Asuka followed Genkai into the building and up the stairs to the top floor. There was a small room with two broken-down couches at the end of the house.

"No matter what happens, and what you hear, you are not to leave this room," Genkai said, her tone sharp. "Now, it's time for some training."


"That's right. Take out a notebook and a pen."

Asuka obeyed and was surprised to find that her cell phone was vibrating. It stopped, then immediately started vibrating again.

"Don't answer that."

"It's probably Kurama," Asuka said looking at her phone.

"I know. That's why I don't want you to answer it."

He'll be worried if I don't pick up. I always answer my phone. Asuka looked up at Genkai.

"I know he'll be worried. He can deal with it. I need you to concentrate."

Asuka sighed and shoved the phone back in her bag where she couldn't hear it buzz.

"What I need from you, Asuka, is to use Foresight to see everything that's going to happen in this building for the next few hours. I want you to write down everything you can in as much detail as you can."

Her request surprised Asuka since her body had reacted so poorly when she tried to divine the future. "I'll do my best Genkai, it's just that, I popped a blood vessel in my eye the last time we tried this."

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