Pearl and Black's house

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*Time skip to the end of the Ruins*

Pearl: Welcome to your new home Frisk.

Black: It's a nice place, huh?

Frisk: Yeah I guess.

Pearl: I understand that you miss your old home, you'll get used to it.  I'll show you to your room.

*Pearl walks Frisk to their room*

Pearl: You get some rest while I on check the oran berry cake I baled for you.

*Pearl heads to the kitchen and Frisk enters their room and sleeps on the bed*

*In Frisk's dream*

???: Frisk you are the future of humans and Pokemon.  You must stay determined.

*Frisk wakes up and picks up the slice of oran berry cake that was placed next to their bed and walks to the living room where Pearl is reading a book*

Pearl: Oh Frisk, did you have a nice rest?  Black has gone on a walk.  Is there anything you need?

Frisk: How do I leave the Ruins?

Pearl: Huh, why would you need to know that?

Frisk: I want to go home.

Pearl: But this is your home now.

Frisk: Please tell me where the exit is.

Pearl: *sighs* Stay here I need to do something.

To be continued

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