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*Frisk walks down the final corridor and sees Flare*

Flare: Hello.  You've been busy, huh?  ...  So, I've got a question for you.  Do you think even the worst mon can change...?  That everymon can be a good mon, if they just try?

*Frisk walks forward*

Flare: Heh heh heh heh...  All right.  Well, here's a better question.  Do you wanna have a bad time?  'cause if you take another step forward...  You are REALLY mot going to like what happens next.

*Frisk steps forward*

Flare: Welp.  You asked for it.  Here we go.

*Battle start*

Flare: It's a beautiful day outside.  Pidgeys are singing, flowers are blooming...  On days like these, kids like you...  Should be burning in hell.

*One first attack later*

Flare: Huh.  Always wondered why mons never use their strongest attack first.

Frisk: (Check) *Flare (1ATK 1DEF) The weakest Pokemon.  Can only deal 1 damage*

Frisk: (Fight) *But Flare dodged the attack*

Flare: Did you really think I would stand there and take it? ~ I watched your battle with my sister.  And I was surprised to hear what she said. ~ I never knew that she was aware of your power as well. ~ I understand why she never told me.  She didn't think that I would understand. ~ I thought the same thing towards her. ~ As for why I am aware, that's because we've been getting reports of what she felt with the timelines. ~ I've tried to go back, but I gave up at one point. ~ The reason why I'm trying is the same reason as sis's. ~ I know what happens, so I can't afford not to care anymore. ~ I know that big bro will be a challenge.  A challenge even bigger than me. ~ He most likely doesn't even know that I'm fighting you. ~ He probably thinks that I've evacuated. ~ Which I guess is for the best. ~ Ugh...  That being said...   you, uh, really like swinging that thing around, huh?  ...  Listen.  I know that you didn't answer me before, but...  Somewhere in there.  I can feel it.  There's a glimmer of a good mon inside of you.  The memory of somemon who once wanted to do the right thing.  Somemon who, in another time, might have even been... a friend?  C'mon, buddy.  Do you remember me?  Please, if you're listening...  Let's forget all this, ok?  Just lay down your weapon, and... well, my job will be a lot easier.

Frisk: (Fight)

Flare: Welp, it was worth a shot.  Guess you like doing things the hard way, huh?  Well, I haven't been using my full power yet.  I think now is a good time to use it.

*Flare's left eye turns red.  Flare raises Frisk's Max HP to 500 and removes KR.  He then uses Gaster Blasters to break the MERCY and ITEM buttons*

Flare: Wondering why I did all that?  Well, I wanted a fair fight and with 500 Max HP, your items would've been useless.

Frisk: (Check) *Flare Berserk mode(50ATK 1DEF) Now the strongest Pokemon.  Can deal 50 damage per hit.  At least we have our IV frames back.  He can't dodge forever.  Keep attacking*

Frisk: (Fight)

Flare: Sounds strange, but before all this I was secretly hoping that we could be friends.  I always thought the anomaly was doing this because they were unhappy.  And when they got what they wanted, they would stop all this. ~ And maybe all they needed was... I dunno.  Some good food, some bad laughs, some good friends. ~ But that's ridiculous, right?  Yeah, you're the type of mon who won't EVER be happy. ~ You'll keep consuming timelines over and over, until...  Well.  Hey.  Take it from me, kid.  Someday...  You gotta learn when to QUIT. ~ And that day's TODAY. ~ Cause... y'see...  All this fighting is really tiring me out.  Especially with me using my full power. ~ And if you keep pushing me...  Then I'll be forced to use my special attack. ~ Yeah, my special attack.  Sound familiar?  Well, get ready.  Cause after the next move, I'm going to use it.  So, if you don't wanna see it, now would be a good time to die. ~ Well, here goes nothing...  Are you ready?  survive THIS, and I'll show you my special attack!

*One attack later*

*Flare's eye returns to normal.  And Frisk's Max HP returns to 92*

Flare: *huff* *puff* All right.  That's it.  It's time for my special attack.  Are you ready?  Here goes nothing.

*Nothing happens*

Flare: Yep.  That's right.  It's literally nothing.  And it's not gonna be anything either.  heh heh heh...  Ya get it?  I know I can't beat you.  One of your turns...  You're just gonna kill me.  So, uh.  I've decided...  It's not gonna BE your turn.  Ever.  I'm just gonna keep having MY turn until you give up.  Even if it means we have to stand here until the end of time.  Capiche?  You'll get bored here.  If you haven't gotten bored already, I mean.  And then, you'll finally quit.  I know your type.  You're, uh, very determined, aren't you?  You'll never give up, even if there's, uh...  Absolutely NO benefit to persevering whatsoever.  If I can make that clear.  No matter what, you'll just keep going.  Not out of any desire for good or evil...  But just because you think you can.  And because you "can"...  ...You "have to."  But now, you've reached the end.  There is nothing left for you now.  So, uh, in my personal opinion...  The most "determined" thing you can do here?  is to, uh, completely give up.  And... *yawn* do literally anything else.

*After some waiting Flare falls asleep.  Frisk moves the battle box so that their soul is over the FIGHT button*

Frisk: (Fight) *Flare dodges*

Flare: Heh, did you really think that-

*Frisk attacks again*

Flare: ...  ...  ...  So...  Guess that's it, huh?  ...  Just,,,  Don't say I didn't warn you.  Welp.  I'm going to Pops's.

*Flare starts walking off*

Flare: Crystal, do you want anything?

*Flare turns to dust.  Flare's soul appears and Frisk watches as it shatters*

*1 left*

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