Chapter 14

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Brads POV
the moment I heard, my world came tumbling down. an emotion I had never felt before. an emotion I never want to experience again.
On my way to the hospital where my princess was our song "just the way you are - Bruno Mars" came heart sank even more. Finally having the hospital in my view and I got more nervous. locking my car as I raced to the wide doors.
"Excuse me sir are you okay" the women at the reception asked
""I iiiii need to see her" I balled with tears. frantically looking around for any sign of her.
"Can I take the name of the girl your looking for?"
"Lilly, Cecilia Mcvey I mean " I stuttered
"This way my love "she lovingly directed me to her
"Thank you" I added
I saw her. lying there, helplessly.
"CECILIA " I screamed my world crashing down on me.
" WHY HER WHY MY LILY " I hit the wall with my anger. the hospital has this rule that only family can go and see the patient. I was about 3cm of opening the door as the security held me back.
"Lad, are you family?" He said sternly
I knew I wasn't her family as such but neither is james. I needed to see her little face.
"Yes yes yes I am" I whispered
Slowly walking past other patients, her little corner with the curtains half pulled around her. the feeling which exploded inside me hasn't even got a name- it doesn't deserve a name. the feeling of anger saddens hope regret love mixed into one times by 100 and that is a understatement. I reached out to me she seemed right in front of me when in real life her tired body was around 7 steps away. I suddenly blew into tears and ran around the corner where my love of my life, the key to my heart. a mound of emotions suddenly came from the inside out into the harsh world. kneeling down to her bedside her ghostly face stared at the ceiling. the world felt alien to me. I took a second to snap back to where I was. it felt as if someone was watching me. I kissed her on the forehead and I said in a low tone " I love you, lily"
The time we had spent together was flashing before me, I lookedlup.
embarrassed I stood up with a guilt. he had caught me. what was I going to say to him. For some reason I didn't let go of her cold painted fingers.
"James I can explain " I began to say

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