Halloween// chapter 9

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Y/n's POV 

I approach Max after class, while she's at her locker. Dustin and Lucas's eyes follow me all the way. I throw a look at them, and Dustin pretends to be tying his shoelaces. Rolling my eyes, I put on a smile and tap her on the shoulder. 

'Hey!' Max says, her face lighting up slightly. Her emotions still reflect sadness and uncertainty. But today, there's a bit of happiness and maybe even...hope. 

'Hi-um so I was wondering if you'd like to go to trick or treating with me and my friends?' I ask quickly. 

'Oh, yeah sure,' Max glances behind me. 'Those friends?' 

I look behind me to see Lucas and Dustin scramble back into the classroom. Biting my lip, I nod. 'Yep. The stalkers.' 

Max laughs. 'Sure. Where do you wan't to meet?' 

'We're meeting at the Maple Street cul-de-sac at 7:00.' I say. 


I put my costume on at home, examining myself from all angles. It's a ghost costume, but a slightly more sophisticated one, with a thigh length skirt and knee high socks. I pair it with a long sleeve turtleneck shirt and a white cape on top. I pin my hair back with white clips and put on a bit of white powder. 

'Oh, y/n,' Karen says when she comes into my room, smiling. 'You look amazing.' 

I beam back at her. 'Thanks Karen.' 

'Now, I want you to have fun tonight, but be careful as well. Make sure you keep together, in a group, and be back at 10 sharp, okay?' Karen cautions. I heed her warning seriously, I don't want a repeat of last year. 

'Of course,' I say. 


At 7:00, it's completely dark out. We stand together in the dark, waiting for Max. 

'Are you sure she's coming?' Mike shifts his weight from one foot to the other. 'Maybe we should just go.' 

Will looks at me, the camera in his hand falling to his side. 'We should wait.' 

I smile at him gratefully. 'I'm sure she's just running late.' 

A figure runs at us, jumping out from behind a bush waving a plastic knife. I shield my face, stepping backwards. Thank god I didn't use my powers because-

'Holy shit! You should have seen the look on your faces.' Max laughs, pulling the mask off her face. 'And you?' She turns on Lucas. 'Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl.' Max starts walking.  'Hey, you guys coming or not? Oh, I heard we should hit up Loch Nora. That's where the rich people live, right?' 

Lucas and Dustin exchange glances, following her and laughing. 'Yeah!' 

Mike sighs, hanging behind. I walk beside Will. 

'Do you think Mike's unhappy with Max in our party?' I ask suddenly. Dustin and Lucas are too involved in a conversation to listen. 

'I don't know. He's kinda been acting weird.' Will says. 

'It's probably because of El.' I shake my head. 'Okay look, you can't tell anyone but-' 

I look to see if anyone's watching. 


'El's alive.' I whisper. 'I'm not supposed to tell anyone though, so don't repeat that.' 

'Really?' Will gasps. 'I-I thought she was stuck in the Upside Down?' 

'I thought so too,' I say. 'But I saw her. She's living with Hopper. She's not allowed to see Mike or any of you because it could put her in danger.' 

'I swear I won't tell anyone.' Will promises. 

'Did you agree to this?' Mike says coming up behind us. I jump with surprise. 

'What?' Will asks.

'To her joining our party.' Mike says, glaring at the three of them. Will lowers the camera.  

'It's just for Halloween.' I say. 

'You should have checked with me.' Mike mutters. 

'Well, they were excited.' I say. 'Max is actually nice when you get to know her.

'I guess I thought you'd be okay with it.' Will says. 

'She's ruining the best night of the year.' Mike mumbles. 

Will stops in the street, and I stop with him. 

'Watch it, Zombie Boy.' Will gasps. I accidentally throw the guy across the street without meaning to. 


'Trick or treat, freak.' Another yells. 

'Boo!' Will trips and falls. I grasp his hand, but when we hit the ground we're no longer in Hawkins. The camera falls to the ground next to him. 

'We're back again.' Will whispers. 'We're in the Upside Down.' 

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