The Snowball// chapter 28

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'You almost ready?' I smile widely, turning to El. Her hair is perfectly curled in ringlets that coil partly over her forehead and down the back of her neck. Her dress is a navy blue with a delicate pattern. 

'Yes,' She grins, using a small brush to add the last touch of blush to her cheeks. 

I glance down at myself in the mirror slowly turning to see all the angles of my f/c dress. 

'You look pretty,' El says. 'Pretty good.' 

A smile spreads across my face, remembering the words Mike said to her so long ago. 

'You look amazing El,' I blink, turning her towards the mirror. 'No one would ever guess we defeated an inter dimensional  monster less than a year ago.' 

El chuckles softly. 

'Girls?' Hopper knocks gently on the door. 'I let Karen know you were getting a ride with a friend tonight, and she said it was okay.' 

'Thanks, Hop.' I say. 

Hopper nods, pulling his keys out of his pocket and jingling them. 

'Let's go.' 


'Are you excited?' I whisper to her as we pull up to the school. El nods, smiling. 

'I don't know how to dance,' She admits. 'What if Mike wants to?' 

'Hold on, hold on,' Hopper grunts from the drivers seat. 'Who said anything about dancing with boys??' 

'Chill,' I say. 'It's not like they're going to kiss or anything.' 

El looks between the two of us, blushing slightly. 

'You'll do fine kid,' Hopper mumbles. 'Just follow your instincts.' 

He pulls over next to Joyce's car, waving us off with a small smile. 

The school is adorned in blue and white decorations; balloons line the doorframe and streamers fall from the ceiling. The music isn't blasting, thank god, but it does sound like a slow dance which-uh...

'There's Mike,' I bump El's shoulder, pointing her in the direction of the familiarly curly haired boy. She smiles, hands at her sides before walking slowly over to the group. It's just Mike and Will left sitting at a lonely table. Dustin is dancing with-Nancy? And Max and Lucas are dancing to the side of the gym. Max looks up at me, waving as we walk by and Dustin shoots a toothy grin at us. 

'Wow,' Mike says, taking in our appearances. 'You two look-' 

'Pretty good?' I joke, smirking. He rolls his eyes. 

'Beautiful,' Will says sweetly, holding out his hand. 

We leave Mike and El to figure out their own dance and walk to the middle of the gym. 

'I don't really know what I'm doing,' I whisper. 

'Neither do I,' Will admits. His hazel eyes are slightly nervous as he places his hands on my waist. I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck and stepping slightly closer. 

We dance like that for the rest of the song, only stepping on each other's feet a couple of times. My eyes light up and I point across the gym where Max just kissed Lucas. Will glances at El and Mike who have apparently just kissed as well. 

'So.' He says awkwardly. 

'So.' I say back. 

Without thinking, I lean in and kiss him-though it only last a few seconds it feels like a whole hour. His lips are soft and sweet, and his warm breath briefly tickles my nose before I pull away. Will blinks with partial surprise before smiling and pressing his forehead against mine. 

Finally, we can be at peace. 

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