Chapter 6

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A/N: What the hell... Y'all are amazing! I am really enjoying writing this book for you guys and you all seem to be enjoying it. Keep the positivity and support going and I will make sure to create more chapters for you guys! Onto the story!!!

Harry's P.O.V.

I got up to go get ready for Potions as it looked like I wouldn't see my mate today. It was odd, but I got to speak to him even without seeing him. As I got up all I could smell was the delicious smell of vanilla. Without warning, someone bumped into me. It  was him, my mate. "S-sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." Before I had a chance to reply he ran off. Suddenly, I realize he dropped  something. A name pin. Juno Black. Strange... I never hear of him before, I wonder, was he a new student?

I arrived right on time for Snape's class. To my surprise, Malfoy was already there. I had completely forgotten I was his partner for Potions. I sat next to him, and all I could smell was the sweet scent of my mate. Where was it coming from, where was he? I noticed Malfoy wasn't paying much attention to the class. It was strange. I watched as I noticed he seemed upset. I don't know why,  but I had the urge to hug him a-and... kiss him.

As class was over I got up and began the search for my mate. I noticed that Malfoy had left the classroom and apparently, so had my mate. His scent was almost gone. I was fully distraught. I was so close. Right then, I got the idea to go to sleep knowing I'd have another mate dream. I knew that if I fell asleep now my mate would be there. And I was right on the mark.

I fell asleep to find myself laying next to my mate. It didn't take me long to see that he was crying. With an accidental slip of the tongue...

"Juno, my love why are you so sad?"

"W-wait a sec... y-you know who I am?"

"Sorry my love, you bumped into me earlier today."

"can you at least tell me your name then?"

"Sure my love, my name is... Hadrian. Hadrian Riddle but everyone knows me as something else."

"And what would that be."

"That's a secret. but you still haven't told me, why are you crying."

"D-don't y-you h-hate me?"

"My love, why would I ever hate a cutie like you?"

After a long talk with him, I woke up. I knew I would get to know who he is. I knew for sure he would be looking for me and that was my advantage. It was time for dinner and I knew he would be coming. It didn't take long before I smelt his sweet scent walk pass the Gryffindor table towards the Slytherin. It was weird cause I knew their was only one blonde Slytherin in my year. It seemed... strange.

Then it hit me. I finally pieced the puzzle together. Draco Malfoy was  my mate. It made so much sense why the thought I would hate him. A lot of people do. But even now, I still don't hate him. He's my little cutie and nothing would change that.

 I was curious to see how long it would take for him to realize his mate is me. Wait... now that I think about it... doesn't that mean Draco's... a Sub! This seem almost impossible. How could the heir of the Malfoy's, someone that acted so dominant, be a sub!

I now had so many questions. Why was his name pin different? Was he ok?

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