Chapter 13: Hell Gates

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Authors note
Hiiiiii everybody... Soo. I may or may not have left a cliffhanger last chapter and I may or may not make you hate a lot of characters. Warning of possible hate speech and bad mojo ahead.

Draco's P.O.V.

When we got back, before we had entered he had stopped me and pulled me into him. I felt my body shiver as he whispered into my ear, "I know you liked the kiss but what I want to know is... do you want to continue?" A heat raised to my face as I nodded to his question.

We were about to enter until the most unfortunate mishap. Ronald Weasley. Of all the twats to run into, it just had to be the weasel. His presence upsets me more than anything ever has. But it took me a second before fear hit of what he had almost been a witness to.

Within seconds of our eyes meeting I felt him pull me from Hadrian's arms causing me to fall to the floor.

"Really Harry! Of all the people, you left my sister for Malfoy!"

"Ron, Gen-"

"Malfoy isn't even that good of a person! "

The conversation continued to get heated. I listened trying to control my sadness and anger.

"What do you know about him Ron"

"That he's a Slytherin and all of them are Death Eaters! "

I snapped.

"Weasley, for the sake of your friendship with 'Harry' I TRIED to be nice to you, hell I even tried to avoid you, but you took it to far when you attack innocent children blaming them for being outcasts for being put into Slytherin, when you know nothing of what they go through. We aren't welcome by any of the other houses until recently from Raven claw and you wonder why we join the dark Lord! It's because people like you treat us like garbage and we have to look out for our selves that we do the things we do. So if you EVER disrespect a Slytherin, much less anyone because you chose to have ridiculous ideals, it won't matter to me anymore if your important to the people I care about, I will hurt you. "

With that I stormed out trying to calm myself and not cry leaving Hadrian with his so called best friend. I was no longer in the mood to be around anyone.

Harry's P.O.V.

"Ron are you kidding me! The best thing to happen to me just walked out of here because of you! "

"Good riddance I say. "

"Ron, if anything happens to him or I see him upset after today because of you purposefully doing something being upset, this friendship is as good as over. "

Without thinking I stormed off and began looking for my Dragon. I wanted to spend time with him and make today perfect where could he have gone!

[The next day]

Draco P.O.V.

It was time for breakfast but I hated the idea of going. Why would I want to go when I know Weasley will be there. And I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone just yet.

I walked into the Hall and sat by my Lonesone at to Slytherin table. I waited to see if Pansy would be here but it seems she might skip today. All the Gryffindors were at their table. I didn't want to stay especially seeing my Hadrian that close to a twat. With that I just left.

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