Chapter 5

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A/N: thanks for the votes and comment. You guys seem to like the story and I like writing it. If this book continues to do well I'll start another one but anyway ENJOY READING!

Draco's P.O.V.

Great! My mate knows I'm at this school and is trying to find me. Just perfect. I already know the whole school hates me so I know he will to. Not to mention I can't sleep  without him fishing for details about me. I think now might as well be the best time for me to check my inheritance. 

I made my way back to my room and locked the door so none would see me. I grabbed the knife, took off my gloves and cut the palm of my hand allowing four drops of blood to fall onto the parchment. I waited a bit while my glamours fell apart and I could finally read the paper.

Inheritance Certificate

Name: Juno Draconius Lucius Black
Mother: Narcissa Black
Father: Lucius Malfoy

Relatives and Caretakers:
Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black- aunt
Rodolphus Lestrange - uncle
Andromeda Tonks nee Black - aunt
Sirius Black -uncle
Severus Snape - godfather

Creature: Kitsune, Veela ,Phoenix
Title: Queen, Heiress, Huntress
Mate: {name will appear when found}
Persona: Submissive

Kitsune abilities
Wandless magic
Self healing

Additional information

Abused by father
Nearly Raped - recurring
self harms and Suicidal
Insecurities- not to ne stated
abilities are equal to those of merlin

Oh. My. Merlin! This paper cannot leave this room. I don't mind my creature in heritance but if anyone realized I was a sub, my life was done for. I hid the paper and decided to avoid those around me hiding this new information. Luckily for me, Pansy was still in the Hospital wing or she would be searching for my mate. I still have yet to let anyone know about my name, not like it mattered much.

The following day I wore the same clothes as usual, an oversized hooded sweater and ripped jeans. I kept the hood up this time know someone might notice me if it wasn't. Breakfast was the usual ,visit Pansy before going to eat breakfast. She seemed to be doing a lot better but still couldn't leave. Breakfast was still the loneliest part of the day.

[Darling, are you ok? You seem sad.]

 I  blushed from the unexpected pet-name.
[who are you, are you my mate?]
[of course sweetheart. Can you please tell me what's wrong.]

I  felt my entire face heat up from these names. Why does he care so much. Everybody hates me and if he knew who I was, I am sure he would to. I left the cafeteria as I had a class today and didn't want to miss it. On my way there I bumped into someone. "S-sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," I said keeping my head  down trying to be the first to Snape's class and  I was. He was there early and I was grateful. I told him about my inheritance and mother and my last name. He wasn't to shocked, he even offered to help with my abilities. Obviously, I didn't tell him about the additional information that was on the paper, merlin knows what would happen if he did.

It was time for the class, and of course I forgot, I was paired with the schools chosen one, golden boy and al-round do-gooder for Potions. Could this day have gotten any worse.

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