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"The hell man! You're so creepy!" Souda barked, walking off.


Tanaka turned to him and chuckled, "here... If it's THAT important to you, I will hand it back to you" He grunted, gently grabbing it out the birds mouth and handing it to Kazuichi.


"... U-Uhm... Uh... Th-Thanks..." Kazuichi murmured, his face turning slightly red, "i-I mean! Fuck off!" He growled, grabbing his things and running out the room.

"..." Tanaka chuckled and tried to keep his mouth shut, trying not to annoy anyone around him..

".hm... Perhaps..." He turned to the hallway where Kazuichi was currently at, opening his tool kit, making sure everything was still in there..

"... Kazuichi, I need to speak with you" He grunted.

"Ugh! What is it you dumbass!" He growled, getting up and closing his tool kit.

"...i will ask this once... Do you accept me to be your partner" He asked, his hand on the tool kit.

"...yeah whatever... Just... Don't take it away... Come on" He grunted, making his way to the Building Room.

-inside the.... BUILDING ROOOOM-

Kazuichi placed his toolkit down on the desk and turned to the damage Monokuma, "dammit... The crown broke too" He sighed, "Aye! Gundham, can you help with this?" He shouted, pointing directly at the monokuma, "once I finish that big ol' thing, I'll start working on the executions!" He smirked, starting to pop his fingers, "I'm extra prepared"

He walked towarde Gundham and handed him the screwdriver, "oh, and don't take this away, I just need you to fix this part of his eye" He said, leaning against the giant monokuma.

"Hm... I assume I could do this..."

"Yeah... You better" Souda murmured, leaving the room and going to the Break Room to get a snack.

-in the break room-

He went to the mini fridge and grabbed a soda, opening it and chugging it.

"Ah...." He sighed, rubbing his mouth with his sleeves.

"Anyways, better go back..." He huffed.

-back in the Building Room-

When he went back, he saw Gundham doing nothing, he was just staring at the Monokuma, not doing anything.


"what the hell man?!" He shouted, running towards Tanaka, "first off, I gave you something so damn easy to do, and what do you do? You fucking stare at that masterpiece like it's a piece of shit?!"


Gundham turned around and stared at Kazuichi...

"Grip your teeth, for I will never listen to someone who is weak and pathetic" Gundham scoffed.

"... Weak..? Pathetic?!" Souda repeated, "dammit! Get out!"


"I said, GET OUT!"

"NO ONE CAN EVER CALL ME THAT SHIT AGAIN! YOU HEAR ME?! YOU EITHER WORK FOR ME, OR YOU SHUT UP AND JUST WATCH!" He shouted, gripping onto his Soda Can, some dribbling from the sides and falling onto the floor.

Gundham stared at him longer, "I prefer to watch"

"You damn-... " Kazuichi grabbed his wrists and went to a glass room.

"... Stay here"

He locked the glass door that Gundham was in and...

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