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"But for real,  were you trying to kill me"


Tanaka stared...

That's all he did...


"... Yes..."

"... Dammit, and to-"

"For I have wanted to obtain more despair by killing the one I dearly love..."

"... Huh...?"

Kazuichi stared at him and blushed, "Dammit..."

"What Kazuichi?"

"...truth i-"

"WE HAVE CAUGHT THEM! THE REMNANTS OF DESPAIR!" A voice shouted, bursting into the room and grabbing their gun.

"H-Huh?!" Souda immediately turned to the door, a worried expression on his face, "i-I coulda swore the building was l-lock-"

"Shhh... Kazuichi, it will be alright, just for now, I request you to hide underneath this table, I will take care of this"

"G-Gundham, but-"

The white haired male glared at Gundham and turned to his trusty assistant, Juzo Sakakura.


Gundham looked him up and down and turned back around to Kazuichi, "...i will be just fine Kazuichi, don't worry..." He whispered.


Kazuichi wasn't worried about his life... He was worried about Gundham...

It's strange really, he knew Gundham tried to kill him once, but that meant he really cared about him...

"Okay..." He whispered.

Tanaka looked out the window and smirked.

"... What are you laughing at huh?! You damn freak" Juzo snarled.

"Nothing, I was merely eyeing the view from the outside, I was planning on my best way to eliminate you..."

"Heh! What an idiot! Lemme guess, your gonna try to throw me out there? Well guess what!? I'm the ultimate boxer, I know your ever mo-"

Just then, Kazuichi grabbed onto his foot and dragged him down.

"Kazuichi! I told you to not interfere!" He shouted, softly kicking Kazuichis hand off of the other, "i-I know... It's just..."

"You damn mother f-"

He ended his sentence as soon as he heard a voice...

"... Juzo, that's enough!" Kyosuke cleared his throat.



"No, just fighting them is a waste of time..."


He grabbed a bomb and threw it at the table that Kazuichi and Gundham were behind.

Sakakura immediately ran out the room and ran next to his "friend"

[I'm still mad at Kyosuke for slicing Juzo in half, like, okay, I see, you sliced up the only dude who was ever loyal to you (besides Miss Yukizome, but we all know what happened to her) ]


"H-Huh...? What is this... S-Stu-... Stuff.."

Kazuichi passed out, along with Gundham...

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