Get the fuck off my Island and the tamer Family

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Y/n pov

After the roaring stops, I look down at the man with orange hair as I take steps towards him he backs away with the Razorwhip following that action while also scooting back her rider with her "so are you getting off my Island or am I killing you and all those who work under you?"

"Y-you won't intimidate me Dragon tamer I'll retreat for now but I'll be back and when I am I'll kill you and raise this Island up in flames" the one known as Dagur picks up the girl and hops on the Razorwhip about to fly off before he can fly away a scythe cuts off his hand as he screamed in pain

"I never said you'd leave unharmed," Y/N said as Dagur flies off with haste and after he's out of sight Clifford comes running into the area with Drifter not far behind "hello boys Clifford since you got here first you get the hand and I'm sure Drifter doesn't mind considering he brought a snack with him," I say as I hear the pudgy one gasp in shock as he and the rest of the dragon riders see presumably on of Dagur's men, dead in the Ebony Odogaron muzzle as it absent-mindedly chewed on it I then turn to the dragon riders and say "now take me to your Island so that I can fly there and back" I get on Zero's back and we all start to  take off

"Dude your hardcore!" The Brute said as I continue to fly behind the Leader

"I've never got your names, what are they?" I asked the Leader

"I'm Hiccup," he said before patting his dragon's head "this is Toothless" he jesters to the Valkariy and her dragon "that's Astrid and Stormfly" the Pudgy one and his Dragon "Fishlegs and Meatlug" The Two set of twins "Ruffnut and Toughnut along with their dragons Barf and Belch" and finally The brute and his dragon "Snotlout and Hookfang"

"hmmm interesting," I said sounding a bit Judgmental apparently because they looked at me confused

"Is there something wrong with our names?" Astrid asked me as I shook my head

"No no, It's just that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they name their dragons, for example, My father named Renegade, the Ratholos, he was a very ferocious man with savagery second to none, while My mother was a very religious woman and she was the rider of Faith"

"wait your parents were riders," Fishlegs asked as I nod toward them

"yes as a matter of fact all of my family are riders, My grandfather used to be the rider for Zorah before he passed, and my grandmother used to be the rider of Safari," I say with a smile

"really there are more like you?" Hiccup asked looking fascinated

"yes I have seven brothers and sisters excluding me, three boys and four girls," I say with a smile as I look out into the distance thinking about my family "of course I also have my Aunt but her and her Dragon have long since retired to they're Island"

"What kind of dragon's do your brothers and sisters have" asked Snotlout with curiosity

"well, The youngest, Jason, has a Piscine Dragon a Beotodus, The second youngest, Liliana, has two Pukei-Pukei as well as a normal Yian Garuga, then the Third youngest my sister Yuri has three Deviljho and a Monstrous Nightmare," I said getting a few jaw drops at that "my brother and the Fourth youngest Salazar has two Odagaron and a Titan Nightfury, then there would be the Fourth Oldest Ari she has Three Rathians, A female Diablos,  and a single Ratholos, the third oldest Evangelin who has one Xeno'jiiva, a Kirin, Shara Ishvalda, and a Ruiner Nergigante, with me being the second oldest I kind of broke the tradition and got all kinds of dragons, and then finally my oldest brother," I say with admiration clear in my eyes "Gungnir he has all three Fatalis, an Alatreon, a Dire Miralis, a Disufiroa, two different Merphistophelin," I say as I hear gasps from everyone even the dragons

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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