A dragon Tamer

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"what's wrong" I ask as the blond twins stare at me with strange eyes

"I think I'm in love" they say as I take a step back

"THAT WAS COOL" the dumb one said as I raised an eyebrow causing him to calm down and attempt to act cool "I-i mean I could do that in my sleep"

"truly remarkable, not even the most powerful Viking Chef could do that to a Diablos, let alone a enraged one" the pudgy one said as I cross my arms

"on this island your only allowed to control these dragons if your stronger then then them, if your not then they will ignore or kill you" I say as my dragons walk over to me standing behind me

"how have you beaten Zorah then" the Valkyrie asked as I laugh with my dragons looking amused

"hahahahaha oh your serious allow me to laugh harder HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I laugh whipping away an invisible tear "if I told you I'd have to kill you" I say with a smile as my dragons let out a small growl getting all dragon riders except one to back up the scrawny one

"I would like it if you joined the Dragon Riders" he asked as I raised an eyebrow

"oh really" I say as I walk in front of him "and what pray tell does becoming a 'Dragon Rider' entail" I crossed my arms as the blond male walks over to me

"nothing much" he said as he puts an arm around me "just find dragons, save dragons, hangout with dragons, catolog dragons, and maybe fight dragons sometimes" he said pulling up a finger for each thing he said "names Tuffnut by the way" I push his arm off of me and look at the scrawny one

"what he said" the scrawny one said as I nod my head

"sounds interesting" I say as I think it over and look at my dragons then back at the Dragon riders "well if thats the case fine I'll be a Dragon Rider just take me to your base so I'll know where it is" I say before I hear a loud roar in the distance "Echo" I say before hopping on Zero and flying her direction with my dragons and the Dragon Riders following 

"what's wrong" the Valkyrie asked as I notice some of the trees on fire

"that roar you heard before was Echo, a Shrieking Legiana, he and his mate act as alarms for the Island, that's how I knew you guys were coming here " I said before turning to my dragons "Zuko and Chrome go back to your mates to look after the eggs, Renegade get Safari and help Zorah with any Vikings that are enemies, Aisu go warn the other dragons in case they were asleep, the rest of you spread out and help Alice, Rex, Gemini, Domino, and Lulu put out the fires" they all nod and fly away to do their jobs "and Dragon Riders your with me" I then fly to Echo's territory


as we landed I hear fighting so I run to Echo and Lee's den to see them fighting Vikings "Zero blast them" I say before running at the closets Viking and shoulder check him into the ground then I hold my scythe to his neck "what are you doing here" I asked as Zero and the dragon riders show up behind me

"Dagur" the scrawny one said as his Nightfury growled at the newly named Dagur

"Hello Hiccup" He said with a smirk not even caring about my scythe being close to his neck "whose your new friend he seems...." he stares at me for a few seconds "....edgy"

"my name is Y/N and I'm in charge of this island" I say as Zero walks beside me charging up a blast to blow Dagur "and your trespassing" suddenly I'm tackled by someone Zero growls but before he can do anything he's cut by a Razorwhip "ZERO" I shout throwing whoever's on me away and throw my Scythe at it causing the Razorwhip to back away "you know?" I say as I grab a girl that jumped at me by the neck "this entire attack was a dumb decision on your part"

"and how is that exactly" Dagur said getting up from the ground

"you attacked an Island that is filled to the brim with dragons that, if raised in the wild would kill you with a simple stomp of they're feet" I squeeze my hand and start to choke the girl causing her dragon to worry "then you set it on fire" Hiccup and the others watch thinking about what to do "and finally you pissed of the man that has a dragon bigger then a volcano under his command" I throw the girl at his feet and crack my knuckles "not to brag but I've boxed a Brachydios that belonged to my Aunt and won" I walk toward him as he backs up a bit with the Razorwhip stand protectively in front of her rider

"stay back" Dagur said as I hear wings flapping  accompanied by two screeching roars

"it appears they have sensed someone in they're territory" I said as Echo and Lee fly into view 

"it appears they have sensed someone in they're territory" I said as Echo and Lee fly into view 

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Hiccup pov

as we see those dragons come into view they land next to Y/N with Zero walking back to him as he says "now eather you leave or on top of you becoming my dragon's snacks, you'll also louse your entire fleet" he then points in the distance to show Zorah, Renegade, and a Safi'jiiva

as we see those dragons come into view they land next to Y/N with Zero walking back to him as he says "now eather you leave or on top of you becoming my dragon's snacks, you'll also louse your entire fleet" he then points in the distance to show Z...

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"Safari, Zorah and Renegade are three of the oldest dragons on this Island and have actually lived in the wild before so I'd suggest you give up" he said as I look at the back of Y/N

'there is a passage in the book of dragons that speaks of people who once trained dragons way before us' I think as I and the rest of my team feel a kind of pressure 'and with that passage there is a saying'

"Fear not the Dragon's under a Man's control, Fear the Man who controls the Dragon's" Y/N said as roars can be heard from all over the Island "for even his Dragon's fear him"

and that's the new part sorry I always take so long with my books but I have outside obligations that always take my attention away from my books and when I have time to actually work on them I always get drawn to my Phoenix drop high book so I've come to the decision that when I reach the final episode of season 1 for Phoenix drop high I'm gonna completely focus on my other books, anyway I hope you enjoyed the part and have a nice day

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