Number 12 Grimmauld Place

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Keefe's POV

So, apparently we're going to school, but not to Foxfire, you see, we're going to Hogwarts! Not to be confused with Piggypimples, which isn't a thing. Anyway, time to jump off a cliff. Foster's supposed to teleport us to some human trade station. I think that was it, trade station. She says that there, we will meet the Weasels who will take us to where we are going to stay for the rest of the summer. Yeah, that sounds right! Who would want to be named Weasel though?

Sophie grabbed my hand, smiling, "You ready?" She asks, she wears a grey sweatshirt and black leggings. She's rocking a blue pair of kicks.

Me on the other hand, I wear black shorts and green converse. My batman t shirt on my chest making me feel like the hero I want to be. I force myself to smile back at her. "As ever Foster." And with that she pulls me off the cliff...

Ha! You thought we were dead didn't you? No? Oh well. Prank power waisted on someone with a little bit of smarts. So, in case it was unclear, falling off the cliff is the easier way to teleport, a sensation which is easily freaked out over. You see, to teleport, you need adrenaline, which is easily triggered by falling off of a cliff.

So we crash down on the ground outside of the trade station. The trade station is full of bustling people, going in all different directions, like they were trying to get somewhere. The weirdest part was, I saw no trading. I did see people with there hoods up, trading some kind of package and some green paper, but other then that, no trading.

As I continued to stare at my surroundings, a bunch of stringy red heads, a messy dark brown, a bushy brunette, and a dog, walk in. They hold a giant sign labeled. 'Welcome Exchange Students!!!'

"How extravagant." I say pointing them out to Sophie.

Sophie looks in the direction of my finger. "Really." Her beautiful brown eyes meat my ugly blue ones. "Let's go."

She's so cute when she's excited. Stop it self! She likes Fitz, stop liking her. I follow her, mentally slapping myself.

The first one to notice us is the bushy brunette.

"Hello! You must be the exchange students."

Sophie smiles at her. "Yeah, that's us."

I can see herself trying to make her voice sound American despite all of the British people surrounding us.

Two boys who look exactly the same, twins maybe, jump in front of bushy brunette.

"What's it like in America? You two go to Ilvernmorny right? What's it like?"

Sophie looks lost, and of course so am I.

The only person who seemed to be an adult in their group cut the two off. "Now boys, don't be so rude. They must be tired. Even if they weren't you would still be overwhelming them."

I look greatfully at the woman. "I'm Molly Weasley. These are my children Ginny, Ron, Fred, and George." She points at each of them in turn then she turns to the other two, "Those are Ron's friends Harry Potter and Hermione Granger." She returns her gaze to us, "I believe you will be in the same year as Ron, Harry, and Hermione?" It's my turn to say something, "What year are they?" "They are the 5th year I think." The three kids nod.

"So..." the dark brown, Harry, says, sounding relieved and slightly confused, "You two don't know who I am."

Sophie's face visibly pales, well pales, well it does if you know what she usually looks like, "We know who you are but the stuff that's going on here isn't as important in the States." Luckily, Harry sound satisfied with her answer.

"Anyway, we should go before we start attracting attention." I glance around, sure enough, people are starting to look at us.

"To the car!" George declares taking the lead through the crowd.

Harry's POV

The exchange students were hotter than movie star hot. They were movie poster hot, but in real life, unedited. The boy wears a batman t shirt, shorts, and green sneakers. The girl wears a grey sweatshirt, leggings, and blue sneakers. The boy was dressed for USA weather while the girl was dressed for England weather, smart of her.

I think back. What did Molly say their names were? Keefe and Sophie maybe. Yeah that sounds exactly right. Keefe, what an odd name.

I am zapped out of my thoughts by the sound of a car door slamming as the last person climbs in the car. "To #12." George shouts as the new car plows through the parking lot.

When we arrive we stare at the place. Number 12 Grimmauld Place isn't very impressive from the outside, but the inside is covered in different stories, one for every room.

"Welcome to #12 Grimmauld Place!" Ron says, making a sweeping motion with his hand to point out the house. The two shake there heads.

Oh shoot! I almost forgot. I hand them the peice of paper with the address on it. "How's that supposed to... woah." The boy says. The boy and the girl exchange a worried look but smile and walk towards the house. Sirius the dog growls suspiciously as they open the door, but doesn't do anything.

Sophie's POV

The inside of #12 is much more impressive on the inside. It is all black and fairly gloomy but it had some sort of stile. If you looked closely, the carpets were intricately designed and the sofas are some of the plushest I'd seen in a while.

"Impressive isn't it?" Said a man from the couch.

As far as I was aware. He hadn't been there ten seconds ago, and nobody had come through the door. Dispite all that, I smile at him. "It is. It's pretty easy to look past it sometimes, but it's beautiful."

The man smiles, "I'm glad you think so."

Ok. In case you didn't, notice, I dedicated this chapter to SuperEngineer11. She is pretty awesome. Go check out her stories.

Emza out!

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