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Keefe's POV

Ok, to say I was surprised, would be an understatement. Standing in the doorway, were 7 people I never thought I'd see again. Harry, Hermione, Ron, E, Sky, and Draco. Well I thought I would probably see Draco again, but not like this.

"Uhh... Hi." Sky says, her British accent cuts through the silence that was created by her arrival. "It's nice to see you too." She grumbles, glaring at my wide open jaw.

That's when I realized that I had just left E and Sky at Hogwarts. One day we're sitting down and eating lunch together, the next, it's been 6 years since I'd last seen her and I hadn't even said goodbye! Huh... she must hate me.

Biana squeals from the seat next to me. "OMFG! I missed you guys so much." At this, Sophie and all the wizards that had considered themselves halfbloods/muggleborns, laugh.

"Um... Biana?" Dex cuts in, "What's OMFG?"

Biana blushes almost invisibly under a thick layer of makeup. "That's none of your concern..." She murmurs unhappily.

Dex continues to argue with Biana about her telling him what it means untill Dex's girlfriend, Maya, cuts in. "Honey, don't you think it's dumb to continue to argue with her? She obviously isn't worth your time." She makes me sick. I don't know why Dex stays with her, she obviously isn't worth his time! See what I did there? Anyway, I got the feeling that the wizards were starting to get annoyed with us.

"How about we listen to what the wizards have to say." I shout over a now arguing Dex, Maya, and Biana. They all quiet down and I turn to the wizards. "Now. How about you tell us what in the world is going on here!"

"Well, it all began yesterday." Hermione begins. "We were in the woods around Harry and Ginny's house practicing the new spell that all of the Aurors needed to learn." I have a million questions but decide to keep them to myself for the time being. Perhaps Hermione would answer some of the while telling us her story. Wow. I reall am never that rational. "I had finally perfected the spell, when a large beast came up behind us. We don't know what it was or why it was there, but it just, was." What a Hermione thing to say, note the sarcasm. "It started trying to hurt us, kill us even. We fought back with every spell we knew, but they all just bounced off it's skin. So we ran away. We managed to escape back to Ginny and Harry's house, but the next day, it attacked again. That's when we decided we needed your help." I nod, so far everything made as much sense as it possibly could. "We went to find Draco. We figured that he might know where you where so that we could come find you. So know here we are." She gestured around the large room.

For the first time in a while, I actually wanted to help somebody. Recently, I had decided that if anyone who I didn't know asked for help, I would walk right past him or her. It all began when Sophie told me what happened with her and Gethen that one day with the dog. Since then, I had been over obsessive about making sure that everyone was trustworthy before helping them.

"Mind explaining who you are?"

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