The Sorting

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Keefe's POV

What Foster did on the train was legit! Malfoy was all like, 'Beautiful lady. Mwuah.' And Sophie was all like, 'No way sucker!' And the Malfoy was all like, 'Nooo! Spare me!' And Sophie was all like, 'Only if you promise to do this, this, this, and this. Oh, and don't forget about that and that.' And Malfoy was all like, 'Whatever you say my beautiful queen. I shall leave now!'

Anyway, as we came to a stop at the platform, I began to get excited. My brain is in another place as I stare at the impressive architecture. Sure, elves are good, but humans, they can do better than elves if they really set their minds to it.

"Firs' years and exchange studen's! This way!" A voice calls over the chatter of the crowd of arriving students.

"Well, I guess that's us! See you Ron, Hermione, Harry!" Sophie says, making her way over to the voice.

"See ya!" Harry says back. Ron and Hermione however, are arguing about God knows what this time. God? What's that? Probably some human phrase I picked up. Eh.

As we approach the person that the voice belongs to, I begin to get a better look.

He's insanely tall and very hairy. He wears rugged clothes that are ripped and teared in multiple places. His hair is dark and messy and his eyes are the same color as his hair.

"'Ello! You mus' be the exchange studen's." He says, grinning to reveal surprisingly normal teeth. "Welcome to 'ogwarts. I'm Rubeus Hagrid, but you can call me Hagrid, Keeper of the Keys!" He says.

"I'm Keefe and this is Sophie." I say to the man, Hagrid. He waves at us.

"Four to a boa'!" He shouts more generally. "All aboard. We need to get to 'ogwarts!"

As we approach the castle, I begin to realize it's even more impressive up close. We enter a huge set of double doors into a room filled with all kinds of things. There are paintings, furniture, bookshelves, maps, and more layed out across the room.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!" Says a Scottish accent from the front of the room we just entered. "I am Proffesor McGonagall. Please follow me to were we'll be going while I explain what's going on."

She goes through a whole speech, sounding like she's done it a million times. I don't really start paying attention until she mentions me.

"First, I will call First Years, then, I will call the exchange students. Are you ready?" Without waiting for a response she opens the doors revealing a cafeteria type thing.

The ceiling looks like the sky and you can barely see the real ceiling underneath. Candles float around the room and they obviously aren't hanging from strings, because they're still there. If they were hanging from strings, the strings would have snapped or burnt up long ago.

The sorting happens really fast. Proffesor McGonagall, that's the lady that brought us in, makes an announcement about Sophie and I then calls Sophie's name.

Sophie's POV

I go over the four houses and their qualities to get in as I walk up to the stool. The hat is beat up and I don't really understand how anything so old and ugly could be rational and Sort me. As the hat sits on my head though, I rethink what I had previously thought.

Hello. You must be Ms. Foster. Do I have you permission to search you memories?

Uh... Well I guess you do. I mean why not?

Alright then! You are very smart and have a nice thirst to prove yourself. You are brave, perhaps reckless and you care a lot about your friends and family. Hmm... A toughy.

Then it says something out loud.

"Let her and the boy that I saw in her memories pick their own house! They are more intellegent than any Ravenclaw! More loyal than any Hufflepuff! Braver than any Gryfindor! And more cunning than any Slytherin! I cannot decide!"

Every body gapes at us. I glance at Keefe and we come to a silent agreement. "Gryfindor." Keefe says. McGonagall smiles and gestures us towards the table that Harry is sitting at.

Harry's POV

Wow! I cannot believe it. There is no way that has ever happened before. Sophie and Keefe were just allowed to pick their own houses. I really just can't believe it. I'll have to ask Hermione if it's ever happened before after dinner. I wonder if she'll even know...

Ron's POV

Ok, ok. I knew that they were weird, the exchange students, but not that weird. The way the Sorting Hat just allowed them to pick, there's no way that's happened before today. Wait... Is there? I'll have to ask Hermione about it later, if she even knows. Right now, we feast.

Hermione's POV

That has not happened before. At least I don't think so. I thought it would have been in Hogwarts, a History if it had. And if it has happened before and I just haven't found out yet, you've officially stumped the brightest witch of her age.

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