A Day At The Sandlot....

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You and scotty woke up around 8:30 to go to the sandlot with the boys, you got ready and put on your chuck taylors , grabbed your glove and ran downstairs happily to go see benny and everyone else, you met benny across the street and walked to the sandlot just talking about life and baseball once you guys got there all the boys ran up to you and tackled you for no reason, benny went over to you and helped you up, ham said "oooohh benny's got a girlfriend" then everyone but you two started chanting that you just rolled your eyes and said, "guys are you thinking what I'm thinking " , "umm no- wait yeah!" The boys all said at the same time, let's go swimming.

Once you guys got there you all jumped in the pool and started splashing each other,

Benny's POV:
I never understood why the boys liked Wendy Peffercorn, I could never like such a basic girl, Y/n is more my type...

Y/n's POV:
I looked over at the boys stairing Wendy Peffercorn 'the hottest girl in town' I dont even get how the boys like her, but I noticed benny wasn't looking at her he was looking at me- I just kept my cool and smiled.

"Guys I'm gonna jump in the deep end " Squints said but nobody noticed, you guys all looked behind you and noticed but ham said "he literally does this every year" Wendy (who's the life guard) went to go get him even though she didn't want to and gave him mouth to mouth cpr but he was completely fine we just wanted to kiss her, once she realized what he had done she picked him up and dragged him all the way into the grass and you all ran away laughing you got distracted by looking around but you were pretty far away from the group, benny went back to ask if you were ok but you just needed a second of peace. After you guys got back to the sandlot you laid down your towel so you could dry off but the boys kept looking at you" guys stop being weird" scotty said "yeah y/n is like 4 years older than you guys that's weird" Benny said "shut up benny you were looking too" ham said. "Guys just chill, benny is right but we're the same age and you guys are like 10" you said winking at benny, "well guys I have to go, I'll talk to you tonight benny" you and scotty left and just talked about how much fun you guys had with your mom,

Meanwhile at the sandlot....

So benny are you dating smalls yet, one of the boys said"well I definitely like her but I dont know how to tell her, actually I have an idea I'll tell you guys how it goes later"

That night....


B:hey,I have to tell you something....

Y: what's up

B:well.....I like you.

Y: really, because I like you too...

B:wait really why?

Y:idk I just do, I really do

B:well smalls your in luck because I really like you too and I've never felt this way...

Y:same, I'll talk to you tomorrow goodnight benny

B: goodnight :)

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