Where Have You Been?

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You and scotty meant to wake up early but you ended up getting up super late, you looked at your phone and you had 10 missed calls from benny. You got ready and ran to the sandlot with scotty, once you got there Squints said" hey look it's the L 7 weenies" you looked at him in confusion he just gave you a mad look and you said "guys where's benny" he doesn't wanna talk to you all the boys said "well if he's not gonna talk to me I'm going home"

Y:benny idk what I said or did   to hurt you but I'm sorry.
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝: 12:30

You had gone back to the sandlot just to sit alone for awhile, you laid down in the middle of the field asking yourself what you could have possibly done to hurt benny,But there was nothing you could think of.... You just sat there for awhile until you heard a voice from a distance, it was benny.

You sat up and you wanted to hug him but he hadn't talked to you all day why should you. "Listen y/n I'm really really sorry for not talking to you today" he said scratching the back of his neck, "oh it's ok" you said quietly he didn't even reply he just hugged you he didn't know how you felt,or did he...

"I have to go, can you walk me home you said". " yes of course" he replied and you guys went home and you talked before you went to bed....

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