What- 😃

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The day started off normal, you and scotty woke up around 8:00, got what you needed and went to the sandlot...

Once you guys got there you noticed that nobody was there so you guys just waited for what felt like forever then benny came and also noticed that nobody else was there so scotty,benny, and you just threw around to each other. Then finally everyone else came and you guys started the game...

Things were going well until Philips came with his musty dusty crusty team and started blabbering like always. "What do you want Philips" ham said bravely, "don't you mean who do I want" Philips said in a flirty tone, as he was saying that he winked at you, you and the boys just looked at him disgustingly, "you know what, I'm single and ready you mingle so y/n you should come with me and my team, and we can fall in love" "no thanks" you said with a smile, "aw come on you don't even have a boyfriend" actually she does, benny said in a strong tone. Oh come on y/n! You can do so much better. You were tired of all this back and forth talking so you went up to benny and wispered your plan, he agreed with you so you went for it....

You went up to Philips and said "you know what I don't need benny, I'd rather be with you" you turned your head to the boys and winked so they knew what's going on. You acted like you were gonna kiss Philips, but just as you were about to kiss you...

Punched him in the face*like the baddie you are* you grabbed his nose and just said "you guys are crazy, crazy I tell you!" And he and his crusty team went home. Once they left you turned around and they boys all said "that was awesome" and hugged you, well everyone but benny you gave him a confused look but once the boys finally got off of you, you guys continued playing until the sun went down. Scotty, Benny, and you walked home together as always and waved goodbye and you and scotty went to go have dinner...

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