Serious Trouble

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Rose sat in the lush green lawn enjoying the early spring breeze.
She had on some overalls and a pale pink and grey stripped shirt with a pale blue My Little Pony hoodie from Aunty Helena.
She could hear Uncle Carrick and Uncle West in the big garage working on their bikes.
Uncle Raphael and Aunty Helena had told her to stay out of there because Papa would be going in there soon and wasn't on his best behaviour when working on mechanical things.
She picked up her yellow pony and was making it talk to the green one "I'm more specialer!" She argued and then did a higher pitched voice for the green one "No! I'm the bestest at being fast!"
She looked up when she saw Aunty Albany and Aunty Helena walking up to her. "Can we play?" Aunty Albany asked and Rose nodded. "Aunty Al, you get to be my white pony. An-an Aunty Lana you you gets to be the pink one!" She grinned.
They played ponies until Rose yawned "Time to Rockabye with Aunty Al!" Aunty Albany grinned and stood up and picked her up "First a changing and then a bottle of warm milk and rockaby." Albany glowed
Rose had to hand it to her though.
Clean and dry, wrapped up in a thick soft blanket and being rocked to sleep by Aunty Albany while she hummed was the most soothing feeling Rose had ever experienced.
She hopped that whatever had happened that had brought the majority of Daddy's family to their house, wouldn't change anytime soon.

When Rose woke she found Aunty Albany had passed her off to Uncle Seth who absentmindedly played with her hair while talking with uncle Tristan and Uncle Carrick about a Nieman Marcus that he had been trying to purchase from someone named Olly.
She watched Seth carefully. He did look somewhat like Daddy.

Uncle Carrick spoke up "Yeah, the Nieman Marcus is nice and all. But honestly, Harley Davidson has a much better rep. Plus, my Blue baby has some decent miles on her and she's still purrin like a kitten."
Uncle Triston added "Yeah. You guys can have your fancy and expensive crotch rockets. But the Triumph Tiger and I have crashed and burned more times than I can count. But she's still kickin!"
"Bro!" Uncle Dev walked in and handed out bottles of cold Bud "The fact that you are bragging about crashing your Triumph Tiger is sad. That anybody would scratch up my paint jobs is sad! But, that you honestly think a bike that crashes so much is a good thing, it's just...comical!" Uncle Dev laughed and so did his brothers.
"Yeah about that. Can you touch up my bike later?" Uncle Tristan asked and Uncle Dev nodded.
"Blame the driver, not the bike." Uncle Carrick teased and Uncle Tristan chuckled.
"When are you going to start ridin?" Uncle Seth asked Uncle Dev "When I get tired of you all staring at the license plate of my Battista." He grinned and they all laughed "The only reason I'm ever riding tail is to defend my little brother from the crazy ex girlfriends. Speaking of, how IS crazy Kim these days?" Seth asked "Ah shut up. Your just jealous because the only girl who will tolerate you for very long is our sweet little Rose." Dev winked at her and she smiled "Indeed. Well, I'll have you know that Little Rose is not the only Little in our family." Uncle Seth smiled down at her. Then he added "Infact, due to some unfortunate and quite extravagant financial problems one of our vendors had, a deal was stuck that was beneficial to both parties and resulted in me coming in possession of another Little. Grant it, Rose is a pure angel compared to my Little Lauren."
Rose froze. No way could this be the same Lauren!
"She came claws out and ready to fight!" Uncle Seth continued.
Rose was frantic. Claws? Lauren? There had to be a million women with that name and long nails.
"It took her awhile but once she realized that I have no problem spoiling a well behaved Little girl, she was much more compliant." Uncle Seth explained.
So she was a Lauren with long nails and a love of wealth. Still, it didn't have to be the same Looser Lauren. Did it?

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