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Rose woke up extra early.
She blinked a few times and then rolled over.
She was still in Daddy's bed.
It was only four in the morning but for one reason or another she was wide awake. She sat up and gasped when she felt a slight pain between her legs.
Her cheeks blushed as she remembered last night and what Daddy had done to
It was all so wonderful. She had discovered just how much she enjoyed a little pain with her pleasure.
But more than that, she had given all that she was to this man who adored her and he had given her so much of him in return.
She sat there just gazing down at his beautiful and handsome face as he slept.
It was five minutes later that her stomach growled. Of course she would be extra hungry after such a workout.

She climbed out of bed and quietly snuck down into the kitchen. She carefully pulled a box of blueberry muffin mix out of the cupboard.
She set the temperature on the oven and followed the instructions on the box.
Just as she finished spooning the dough into the muffin tin the oven beeped signaling that it was up to temp.
Rose went to the freezer and pulled out a bag of mixed berries and dumped some in a bowl. She pulled out some cream cheese from the fridge and put a chunk of it in the bowl with the berries. She added some sugar and mixed it all until it was well blended. She added a spoonful to each muffin and then popped the muffin tin in the oven and set the timer.
While she waited for her muffins she cleaned up her mess and washed all the dishes she used and put them away.
As the kitchen was filled with a sweet fruity smell, she decided she needed some coffee to go with her muffin.
She pulled a mug out of the cupboard and then started digging through a drawer of k-cups for a Bold blend.
She started remembering back to her last cup of coffee.
It was the day she graduated from High school. One of her favorite teachers, Mr. Stevenson from Biology, had given her a gift card for PonyEspresso, it was a little coffee shop across from the High school. She used to get coffees from them all the time when she was a Jr. But that was then. Back when life was far more complicated.
Now she would never have to work.
She looked down to see her coffee was ready. She pulled the full mug out and added some Irish Cream liquid creamer to it and then sipped it.
She smiled and leaned back against the counter and waited on the muffins.
Her mind drifted back to her life.
Daddy would take care of her forever.
He was so kind and gentle.
She wondered what his family was like. What did he even do for work?
The fact that she hadn't met anybody other than his brother and sister in law worried her.
What if the rest of his family was against his DDLG life?
Maybe he would have her behave differently around them.
If so, would that mean he was embarrassed by her? If he was, then that must mean something was wrong with it....or....with her.
She set the cup of coffee down and opened the oven. The muffins were almost ready. She rushed upstairs and changed her clothes. Today was a frilly pink top that fanned out at the bottom and dark blue faded blue jeans with plane white socks and pink converse. She brushed her hair and left it long and hanging down her back. No diapers for her today. She entered the kitchen just in time to stop the timer after the first beep.
She pulled the muffins out of the oven and l
Then got the butter out of the fridge and then plopped one muffin onto a small saucer and put a dollop of butter on top of it.
She put everything away and then took her coffee and muffin to the dining table. She paused when she saw the highchair.
She sat down in a normal chair and ate her muffin and drank her coffee while her mind played evil tricks on her.
If her own father left without a goodbye and his girlfriend treated her like trash, and Daddy purchased could she be truly valued? Was she nothing more than an object for his enjoyment?
Was this what she wanted? Nobody ever asked what she wanted in life. If Daddy were to ask her, would this be it?
Yet, this life was so easy. Aside from the diapers.
What was so bad about being pampered?
But still. This life seemed too good to be true and generally speaking, that would mean it was.
She finished her meal and as she entered the kitchen to wash her dishes she heard some men talking. "She's not in here. Where could she have gone?" And then a low chuckle "Do you think she's in bed with Chev?"
Rose quickly washed her dishes and put them away just as she heard the talking get closer "She's down here." She heard one of them call out "Hi." She smiled shyly at two of Daddy's body guards. "Mmm. Did you cook?" One of them asked and she nodded.
Then it clicked. These were the two guards that watched the front of the house. Which meant that nobody was at the front of the house right now. Hmm. Possibilities.
She waited and sure enough, they started getting coffee mugs down and helping themselves to the muffins.
She quietly slipped out of the kitchen and out into the front yard and into the crisp early morning air. She slowly walked towards the front gate. Once close enough she could see that nobody was manning it. She slipped out the gate and smirked as she started running down the road.

She ran until her legs felt like Jello. Then she walked.
It had been about two hours and she had turned down multiple roads. The one she was on now was old and crumbling in different places.
Traffic was light and nobody seemed to think anything of a woman walking or jogging down the road alone.
She wondered if Daddy had woken up yet. But decided she would not allow herself to think about him right now.
When your life style depended on unknown factors, it wasn't a steady life.
She needed to know more about him and he wasn't willing to open up to her.
That made him unstable and she needed stability.

Rose sniffed back her emotions and turned down a dirt road.

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