Prince UnCharming

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Seth was thrilled at how Lauren's Grey eyes danced with excitement at the lights and the house. He felt a twinge of guilt when he remembered that he'd have to let her know that this was a pit stop. This was actually his parents house and they were loaning it to him while they were away for business. 
"This is my parents home. We will stay here a short while, then, when I receive the call that our home is ready, we will go home. Most likely, it will be a couple of months." He explained "You are seriously taking me to your parents house?" She gave him a nasty glare that made him clinch his jaw.
In time she would learn that such expressions were unacceptable.
"Yes. Better than you needing to learn lessons in a public setting." He replied pointedly. She rolled her eyes and stared up at the beautiful old house with its many spires and towers much like a Disney castle would have.
"Let me guess, everything okay for me to look at except the west wing?" She smirked at him and he laughed.
"As a matter of fact, Pappas and Nanna are remodeling the west wing right now, so it is off limits. "
He watched as her face scrunched up and she crossed her arms like a naughty four year old throwing a fit.
It took him a second and then he remembered "Right, well, for now you may call them Mr. And Mrs. Kline." He offered and she let out a big sigh.
If only Raphiel and Helena were available to help him out with this girl!
The last time he tried this, he had gotten one from a weekend auction, it was with a set amount of time. 48 hours of a beautiful little redhead acting like a sweet little angel for him. At the end of the 48 hours, she would be auctioned off again.
This kid, Lauren, was like the most spoiled little brat he had ever seen. She spewed vile looks his way every chance she got.
He could only imagine what her response to the rules and chores lists would be.
Maybe he could ask some of his more trusted men to step in and act as support for him.
It wouldn't be the first time he had to tag another man to help him out with a feisty girl.
He scratched the back of his neck and wondered if he may have bitten off way more than he could chew.
Though it might be the case, this kid was better off with him than she was with Juan.

As the lemo pulled to a stop she reached for the handle but he gently grabbed her arm. "Hold up, squirt. A few things first." He waited until she sat back in her seat again and fixed him with a cold glare "Number one, there will be no running away from me or my men. The closest house to ours is a good two hours drive north. There is going to be a severe rain storm tonight. It's unsafe to travel on foot. Understood?" He asked and she rolled her eyes then reached for the door again.  He clicked his tongue at her and she huffed in annoyance but sat back again "verbal confirmation please." He shot her a disapproving look to which she groaned "Fine. Got it. No running off. Can we go now please?" She snapped and he shook his head "Also, you will obey every order that I give you. Whether or not you like it. This is my parents home, you will respect their rules and their things. Understood?" He asked with a little heat to his tone "Understood. " She shrugged as if it was simple.
"Now can we go?" She whined and he chuckled "Yes, now we can go."
As soon as the door was opened the sky opened too and unleashed a torrent of golfball size raindrops. Lauren was out and running for the cover of the doorway with him hot on her heels.

Lauren's POV:

Inside, the house was decorated much as you would expect with gold and ruby colored carpet, tapestries and spiraling staircases. There was beautiful antique art on the walls as well as displayed around every corner.
Lauren loved it all. Deep down, she enjoyed the history behind each piece.
She did her best to behave. She followed Seth to a bedroom where he showed her where to shower and change into warm clothes.
After they were changed and warm again, he gave her the tour and ended it at their bedroom which,  she was a little surprised to find had two beds.
She enjoyed the extra space her own bed offered and part of he warmed a little at his consideration of her personal space.
As she started to drift off she smiled to herself. Maybe sleeping in a castle and on a big fluffy bed with expensive sheets and blankets wasn't so bad.

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