Rules & Lessons

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It had been a great night for Lauren.
She had, ironically, slept like a baby.
The bed was perfect, the room temperature, which usually fluctuated too much, was perfect all night.
She woke up feeling well rested and ready to explore her new temporary home.
She let out a big yawn and stretched then slowly climbed out of bed, keeping her eyes locked on the bed on the other side of the room where she could barely make out the perfect and tattooed bicep of Seth.
Good, he was still sound asleep.
Now came the part she dreaded. Before bed last night, he had taken her cell phone and plugged it into a charger on his nightstand. She quietly tiptoed her way to his nightstand and then very carefully picked up her cell phone and unplugged it. She gasped sharply when it made a loud vibration to indicate it was unplugged. She watched Seth's beautiful and ruggedly handsome face. His dark lashes didn't even twitch.

She quietly tiptoed across the room and out the door. Once out of the room, she went back down to the main floor and into the kitchen. She plopped down on a chair and opened her locked phone screen. It was only five thirty in the morning. But she was ready for the day to start. She decided some recon might be a good idea right now. So she snuck back upstairs and into the first bedroom, which Seth had pointed out last night, was his mother's room. A woman who could afford this kind of house had to be  loaded. Which meant no costume jewelry,  only the good stuff. Lauren was sure the woman wouldn't notice a few pieces missing. Consider them a down payment for all this crap Seth had planned for her. She used the light on her cell phone to make her way across the bedroom and to the standing jewelry box and was going through it when the bedroom light flicked on.
She spun around to find Seth shirtless, a grim expression on his face as he leaned against the door frame, his arms crossed and wearing nothing but his red and blue plad pajama pants.
"What do you think you are doing?" He demanded.
Lauren thought fast. "Just looking. So," She put the ring she had been looking at, back in its spot in the jewelry box and closed the case, then turned on all her charm and slowly stalked towards him "hungry?" She purred and hoped it would do the trick to distract Seth.
He narrowed his eyes at her, fully aware of the game she was playing, then nodded back down the hallway "back to bed. And if I catch you in any of the rooms that I have already told you to stay out of again, you won't be sitting comfortably for a month!" He warned. She walked on down the hallway and rolled her eyes "Come on now, don't threaten ME with a good time." She muttered more to herself than to him, but he heard her and gave her bottom one hard smack. "Ouch! What the hell! BEAST!" She snapped and he harched his eyebrow and gave her a warning glare then hissed "try me and find out." "You're mean!" She grumbled "So I've heard," he chuckled lightly and then ordered "Get in bed." He pointed to their bedroom where she quickly marched to her bed "phone." He walked up to her and held out his hand "No, it's mine and-" "Let's get something straight, Lauren. You have zero possessions. You, along with everything you brought with you, now belong to me. When I tell you to give me something, the ONLY acceptable answer is 'yes Sir' or, 'yes daddy'. Understood?" He asked and she angerly stomped her foot "No! I-" "Try that again, last chance to get it right, baby." He warned and she fussed and rolled her toes around in the thick plush carpet. "But I-" "Alright kid." He gently grabbed her by her tiny bicept and then quickly landed three harsh swats to her still stinging bottom "No!"  She hopped around and cried "Are you ready to obey?" He asked. She was a little confused by his calm demeanor but also comforted by the fact that he wasn't angry, just in his own way, handling what he saw as an issue. "Please im not tired and I just want to play with my phone!" She whimpered "no. Give me the phone and go back to bed. We can get a couple more hours of sleep if you obey now." He encouraged and she stopped her feet and pulled trying to get him to let go of her "I don't want to!" She knew that she sounded like a petulant child but she really didn't care. If she put up enough of a fight, maybe he would loose interest in her.
"Baby girl, Daddy is tired. You are obviously still tired and choosing to brat instead of obeying and getting some much needed sleep. I'll give you a little slack since this is day one of training. I'll give you to the count of three to stop your tantrum and give Daddy the cell phone. One." He held her bicept in one hand and had the other one out waiting for her to obediently put the cell phone in it. She shook her head defiantly "two." His voice had stated to take on a sterner tone that had her stomach fluttering with butterflies "Fine!" She whimpered when she saw him open his mouth to say three. She slammed the cell phone into his hand and wondered why she had complied. "Good girl." He smiled warmly at her. Those two words made her feel so different. Almost proud.
"Now," he murmured and then pulled her close to him so he could kiss the top of her head. "Time for sleep." He gently picked her up and laid her down in her bed, then covered her up with the super soft and thick comforter. "When you wake up, we can discuss rules and limits. I promise there won't be too many." He gave her a playful wink and smile then strode across the room to his bed. She heard her phone buzz when he plugged it back into the charger.

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