chapter thirteen - dynamic

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1. characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.

 characterized by constant change, activity, or progress

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kang yeosang

I was analyzing the footage from before and I noticed something really suspicious about the video. It seemed like parts where cut for them video. I decided to recover the video and I got the missing parts. It showed the second guys face.

I quickly called Wooyoung in and he realized who it was. "That is Kim Chung-hwa... San and I use to go to school with him" he started. Wooyoung an off in a different direction.

jung wooyoung

I made my way to the room San and Jongho was in. "I found out who was murdering the victims" San sprung his head up. "His name is Kim Chung-hwa... he use to bully me" I said. "He use to bully me too" San spoke up. "We will find him" I said determined walking out of the room.

I tried to come up with a solution all day until I finally found one good enough. I brought San in the office and made sure everyone was gathered around. "I came up with a plan to catch Chung-hwa... we are going to get Jongho to play the victim and then San is going to act like he is letting him go" I said. "San said he followed his moves since he was younger therefore, he will try to get Jongho.

Everyone nodded and we started to set up the plan, we discussed our location and our positions. We all drove to the destination and San "Let Jongho go" Jongho began to walk and after a little while we seen a figure appear behind him.

We all got ready to approach Chung-hwa, we got our guns out Seonghwa and I where in front of him, Yunho and Mingi got the sides, Yeosang and Hongjoong got the back. "Stop right there and put your weapon down" I yelled at him, Jongho ran behind Seonghwa.

"I never thought I would see you again" he spoke up gripping his knife. He started to run at me, I heard a gun shot and noticed he got shot in his leg making him fall just enough for us to put handcuffs on him. We toke him to the station and began questioning him.

"Why did you kill all those innocent people?" I asked. "I did it to protect San" he smirked. "Why? He let them go and you just wanted to kill for sport" I started to get angry. "You may be right... I know one thing for sure I wanted to make San's life miserable" he said laughing. "The only one who is going to be miserable is you" I said about to walk out of the room.

"You are nothing and you never will be anything" he said, I turned around giving him a smile. "I already am something and your words do not hurt me anymore" I proceeded to walk out of the room. Screams could be heard from him.

"San I think we should get you into therapy and go from there" your mental health is very important.

A/N: Hi I just wanted to stated that the name I used for "the bully" in the story was completely made up I did not to use a different kpop idol so I thought it was best just to make a name up.

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