Ramshackle Dorm (PT2)

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Guess who's writing instead of doing their ela assignment due at 11:59. Anyway, I promised and I shall deliver! Enjoy! (Sorry if its short 👁)
-The day wasn't even completed before a thud was heard. Yuu was the first to check it out as Sebatian was bathing Ciel.
-They were shocked to see Grim on the floor, seemingly to have come from the now open window of the grand entrance.
-"Gyahaha! Nothing can keeps the mighty Grim away for long!" Stated the cat like creature.
-Yuu was confused, last time they checked, the windows were closed? How would this be possible? And why is he so determined to be a part of the school?
-"If you're wondering why I want to be here, that's simple! I'm a genius destined to become a great magician! The dark mirror just can't recognize such greatness! It would be a loss not to let me in!" Grim would state with pride.
-Yuu had never seen such confidence and pride.
-"Gya! I'm still dripping wet from the rain outside. No matter, some nice magic will do the trick!" Grim stated boldly.
-Yuu answered nonchalantly, "Can't help you. I don't have any magic."
-Only to receive a laugh as a result, "You can't use magic?! Pfft, you're useless!" Laughed the cat like creature.
-Just then, footsteps were heard.there stood Ciel in a robe and an angry expression. "What is that and why is it in my manor!" The young earl demanded for an answer. His eyepatch was no longer there. Instead, his hair covered his eye.
-Sebastian came following right after, like a loyal dog (a species of which he unfortunately hates). He put his finger to his chin, making a thinking pose as he spoke, "It seems to me, young master, that we have a-" in a moment's glance he was right next to grim!
-"Sebastian! Do not do what I think you are going to-" Ciel's eye twitched as his hands formed fists.
-Sebastian had already started to tug at Grim's ears and pet his fur, "What a fascinating specimen, this soft fur.. those pointed ears, it could only be one thing! A cat." He stated with a pleased expression as he fondled with a very creeped out and irked Grim.
-Struggling to get out of Sebastian's gentle but tight grip, Grim angrily stated, "The mighty Grim is no cat! I am a genius who is destined to become a great magician!" He said trying to sound intimidating? Whatever he was trying to prove, it wasn't working.
-Sebastian ignored Grim as he continued to pet said creature, he took hold of Grim's tail and examined it, "A pitchfork, how very intriguing" he said as he observed the pitchfork tail.
-"Oi! Don't mess with my tail!" Grim shouted as he struggled even harder against Sebastian's hand.
-Ciel clenched his fist with an irked expression. "Sebastian! Stop this instant! We have no time to dilly dally around! This behavior is unacceptable!" Ciel shouted angrily, annoyed at Sebastians antics.
-"Oh but-" Sebastian started only to be cut off, "No 'but'! This is an order, stop fondling that creature this instant!"
-Sighing, the demonic butler did so, having no choice but to as he returned to his young masters side.
-"Now, I would like an explanation as to why-" Ciel was stopped by a weird feeling, then, sudden quiet eerie laughter.

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