Chapter 8- Lydia

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"Don't do that again."

Theo has his fingers on the spot where I'd just kissed him, cheeks red, jaw clenched.

He's giving me the impression that he hasn't been touched by a woman before.

A giggle escapes my throat at the thought that Theo Kingsley, the tall, strong hunk is embarrassed of a chaste gratitude cheek kiss like a middle-school boy, "I didn't take you for a shy person."

"I'm not shy," he replies in a seductively low, rough tone, "I'm just warning you not to initiate something you won't be able to stop its reciprocation."

I blink, impressed by his blunt implication, "I'm curious," sliding a hand from his abs up to his broad chest, I offer him a sultry look, "prove it."

He swallows, grasping my wrist firmly to prevent my hands from wandering over his physique, "not now."

"Why not?"

"You're wasted." He tilts his head, his eyes softening before letting go of my wrist, "I can't indulge with a woman in such a state."

As much as it's attractive how much of a charming, respectful gentleman Theo is, as much as I don't really like it sometimes.

I curl a a loose strand around my finger, "I'm actually not all that dru-" Abruptly, my elbow knocks the unnoticed whiskey bottle off the roof, it flies into the air, dropping faster than the speed of light into the street.

Squinting, I grind my teeth apologetically, "opsies."


Concern consumes me, "I hope that didn't fall on someone's head."

"Unless it was Sean Torres," He excludes.

I turn to face him, "I have my reasons for not liking Sean, but why do you feel the same about him?"

His expression darkens before regaining his poker face again, "He pried into my personal affairs a few years ago." He gives a curt answer.

I put my hand on my waist, "I'm not pulling the words out of your mouth, Kingsley Junior."

"And I'm not obligated to answer your questions at all."

I sigh, "Theo please, be transparent with me as I am."

He takes his time thinking before speaking, "he stirred up my falling out with Darryl believing I'd give up the corporation so he'd automatically take Darryl's position after he steps down."

"How so?"

"Details are irrelevant, what matters now is that his plan failed."

My lips turn down in a pout, "but I love details."

"Even ones that don't concern you?"

Grinning widely, I answer, "Especially the ones that don't concern me."

He looks away, but I notice the dimples adorning his cheeks deepening.

I want to kiss each of them...

And I want him to kiss me.

Ugh, I hate to admit that the alcohol makes me feel extra touchy-feely.

And Theo's presence is not helping, not when he looks like that...

So... divine.

Being a real gentleman and acting accordingly while also being insanely smart, self-confident, and charismatically sexy at the same time is a deadly combination.

No sane person in the world can ever deny Theo's charm and it's driving me crazy.

I clear my throat, trying to brush my thoughts off, "Okay so now we both have a thing in common, which is disliking Sean, don't you think pretending to date in front of him will bother him? Like, he already hates that you took the position he wanted, now you're his boss and you also dating his ex that he loved?"

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