Chapter 10- Lydia

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I am a yapper... to my core.

Not the annoying, high-pitched kind, but a chronic oversharer.

by oversharing here, I mean I speak my mind, vocalize my thoughts, I don't mean personal experiences, there are secrets I'm taking to the grave with me, not daring to open my mouth to anyone about them. Other than that one thing, I'm the kind of girl who can spin a grocery list into a five-act Shakespearean drama, complete with betrayal, mistaken identity, and a triumphant last-minute sale on avocados. The kind who can fill a room with a steady stream of commentary and observations. It's a running joke with my friends – they claim I could narrate watching paint dry and make it sound fascinating.

Sometimes, I wonder if anyone actually listens to the endless stream of words that tumble out of my mouth. Like background noise, filling the silence. But then there are moments, that remind me someone actually absorbs the chaos I unleash.

Take Theo, for example. We were just hanging out in his kitchen one afternoon, bantering and avoiding all the serious adult stuff. And somehow, the topic of pianos came up. I started rambling, probably about how I played well, but was never given the chance to show off my abilities, and honestly, I didn't expect him to really pay attention. But he surprised me when he took me to the starlight sonata and made my childhood dream come true. When he provided me with a chance to unravel my talent, 13-year-old Liddy was squealing, it was a therapeutic experience.

I love that about him, he's very attentive and emotionally intelligent, and he does that while having the most nonchalant, unbothered, and careless expression on his face.

And today, Theo remembered, again.

Today wasn't a good day. Work was a disaster, my professor ripped my essay to shreds, and the ride home was a symphony of honking horns and crying babies. I dragged myself into Theo's apartment, ready to collapse on the couch, drink chamomile tea while watching a romcom and wallow in self-pity.

Mr. McDreamy wasn't there. He was off CEO-ing at Kingsley Corp., having endless responsibilities, board meetings, endless paperwork, and presentations and all. But that didn't stop him from surprising me, as something unexpected awaited me on the kitchen island.

A giant, beautiful vanity shaped makeup advent calendar. It wasn't just any box – it was a custom-made champagne pink with gold outlines, like a giant piece of candy. It looked so out of place in the sleek kitchen that I honestly couldn't believe it was real.

Carefully, I lift the lid and my jaw instantly drops. Inside, each drawer holds a different makeup brand, all the fancy high-end stuff I only ever saw in magazines. And there, nestled amidst the blushes and mascaras, is the exact shade of rebellious red lipstick Irina had stolen at the gala.

"Oh, Theo." I place a hand on my heart emotionally. It isn't just the makeup- although it is seriously incredible- It's the fact that Theo listens and remembers our conversations, no matter how fleeting or simple or silly. He heard me whining about losing a lipstick and rambling on about pianos, and without a word, he acted upon that, he saw my frustration and somehow managed to turn it into an extravagant gift, both times. And for me, that's the most beautiful gift of all.

How I adore his thoughtfulness!

Smiling to myself, I go through every drawer in the box, yapping to my imaginary audience on my nonexistent YouTube channel in my unboxing haul video about the products my Fiancé (between two glittery stars emoji) got me, each drawer revealing another layer of makeup paradise. From Fenty Beauty's dazzling highlighters to Pat McGrath's iconic eyeshadow palettes, it's a beauty influencer's dream come true. Every product scream luxury, and for a fleeting moment, I feel like a glamorous socialite with an endless makeup budget.

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