Chapter 15- Theo

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We step out of the elevator onto the 50th floor, the heart of my office. Unlike the cubicled monotony of the floors below, this level pulsates with a different kind of energy. Opulence reigns supreme. Rich mahogany paneling gleams under the soft glow of crystal chandeliers, casting a warm, inviting light on the polished marble floors. The air itself thrums with a tangible power, the undeniable hum of a corporation that holds the world in its grasp.

The panoramic view and the decor are breathtaking, yes, but it's all insignificant compared to the dazzling woman beside me, her presence eclipsing everything else.

Lydia's eyes widen as she takes it all in. A satisfied smirk lifts the corner of my lips. This is my world, my domain, and I'm sharing it with her.

Her gaze darts around, taking in the lavishness. but my eyes stay fixated on her. She looks absolutely gorgeous tonight, her hair, the color of the richest, shiniest chestnut, cascades down her back like a waterfall begging to be touched.

My fingers itch with a phantom sensation as I imagine wrapping it around my fists. I can almost feel the silky strands slipping through my grasp.

Following her as she moves ahead, I can't tear my eyes from her golden dress. The fabric strains across her full breasts, dipping low in the back to reveal a hint of soft skin before disappearing into the elegant sweep of her dress skirt. it clings to her every curve, highlighting the perfect shape of her hips that sway ever so slightly with each graceful step. I find myself mesmerized, my gaze tracing the line of her back down to the enticing swell of her ass.

Every detail of her is an assault on my senses. So, I devour it all- the way the soft lighting catches in her eyes and hair, the soft scent of her perfume that lingers in the air, the graceful arch of her neck, the delicate curve of her jaw, the fullness of her lips that I can't get enough of tasting– it's all maddening, driving me to the edge of control.

I want everything about her. I want to have her entirely to myself, to explore every inch of that alluring form. Every fiber of my being aches for her.

Heat coils in my gut, fueled by the image and the possibilities it conjures. My mind runs wild, a playground of forbidden fantasies centered entirely on her. I picture her naked body pressed against the cool glass of the windows as I bury myself in her while lowering my face in her hair, inhaling that intoxicating scent, feeling its silky caress against my skin. I envision my hands tracing the curves of her body...

The things I want to do to her, the ways I want to touch her... it's a delicious kind of torture, knowing she's so close yet untouchable.

I clench my jaw, willing myself to maintain some semblance of control. The line between control and complete surrender is blurring with each passing moment. And honestly, right now, surrender doesn't sound half bad.

Clearing my throat, I force my gaze upwards, breaking the illicit spell she cast on me. "Welcome to my office floor, Lydia," I say, my voice rougher than usual.

"The view it's... magnificent," she breathes, her voice amazed as she takes in the view.

"Indeed" I reply, looking at her.

Lydia's gaze snaps to mine, and for a moment, we're suspended in a silent conversation. She catches the implication in my response, and a flicker of something – awareness, amusement, maybe even a hint of desire – dances in her eyes.

"It's like something out of the White House,"  she drawls.

"It serves its purpose," I reply with a noncommittal shrug.

We fall into small talk, discussing the Art Deco paintings on the wall and the plush leather chairs. Lydia, her curiosity piqued, wanders around the office, her eyes sparkling with childlike wonder.  Finally, she reaches into her clutch bag and fishes out her phone.

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